
Heroina larrua jotzea bezain gozoa zela
esaten zuen garai batean.

Medikuek esaten dute okerrera ez duela egin,
eguna joan eguna etorri, eta lasai hartzeko.
Hilabetea da berriro esnatu ez dela
azken ebakuntzaz geroztik.

Hala ere egunero egiten diogu bisita
Arreta Intentsiboko Unitateko seigarren kutxara.
Aurreko oheko gaisoa negar batean aurkitu dugu gaur,
inor ez zaiola bisitara agertu diotso erizainari.

Hilabetea arrebaren hitzik entzun ez dugula.
Ez dut lehen bezala bizitza osoa aurretik ikusten,
esaten zigun,
ez dut promesarik nahi, ez dut damurik nahi,
maitasun keinu bat besterik ez.

Amak eta biok soilik hitz egiten diogu.
Anaiak lehen ez zion gauza handirik esaten,
orain ez da agertu ere egiten.
Aita atean geratzen da, isilik.

Ez dut gauez lorik egiten, esaten zigun arrebak,
beldur diot loak hartzeari, beldur amesgaiztoei.
Orratzek min egiten didate eta hotz naiz,
hotza zabaltzen dit sueroak zainetan zehar.

Gorputz ustel honi ihes egingo banio.

Bitartean heldu eskutik, eskatzen zigun,
ez dut promesarik nahi, ez dut damurik nahi,
maitasun keinu bat besterik ez.

© Kirmen Uribe
De: Bitartean Heldu eskutik
Zarautz: Susa, 2001
Producción de Audio: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


Heroin had been as sweet as sex
she used to say, at one time.

The doctors have been saying now she won’t get worse,
to go day by day, take things easy.
It’s been a month since she failed to wake up
after the last operation.

Still and all, we go every day to visit her
in Cubicle Six of the Intensive Care Unit.
Today we found the patient in the bed before hers
in tears, no one had come to visit, he’d said to the nurse.

An entire month and we haven’t heard a word from my sister.
I don’t see my whole life stretching before me the way I did,
she used to tell us.
I don’t want promises, I don’t want repentance,
just some sign of love is all.

Our mother and I are the ones who talk to her.
Our brother, with her, never said too much,
and here doesn’t make an appearance.
Our father hangs back in the doorway, silent.

I don’t sleep nights, my sister used to tell us,
I’m afraid to go to sleep, afraid of the bad dreams.
The needles hurt me and I’m cold,
the serum sends the cold through every one of my veins.

If I could only escape from this rotten body.

Meanwhile take my hand, she implored us,
I don’t want promises, I don’t want repentance,
just some sign of love is all.

Translated from the Basque by Elizabeth Macklin