Ti me ne znaš, dušo, i kad te držim za ruku. Milujem po ozeblim
prstima. Konobar nas je uhvatio na djelu donijevši crnog vina
iz čistog žara.
Ti me ne znaš, dušo, kao ni staricu, samu za stolom jer za nju
nitko ne mari, osim drugih starica koje će doći, samo kasnije, kartanje.

Zar se itko zna poljubiti kao mi, dotaći koljenima? Konobar?

Zar bi itko požalio starice, il strasno poželio ih? Konobar?

Da sam prolio crno vino na pod, ti bi ispustila ruku, oćutjela se
Ti me ne znaš dušo, a možda i starice slute da te volim, čim kartaju
tako živahno, i konobar pleše noseć pladanj vina, znači vjeruje
u našu ljubav

samo ti, ti mi ne vjeruješ dušo,
dugo, dugo bila si nevoljena

© Dražen Katunarić
Producción de Audio: Croatian P.E.N. Centre


You don't know me, my dear, not even when I hold your hand. Caressing
your frozen fingers. The waiter caught us at it when he brought us red wine from sheer excitement.
You don't know me, my dear, nor the old woman alone at the table
because no one cares for her, except other old women who will come,
only later, play cards.

Can anyone kiss the way we can, knees touching? The waiter?

Would anyone pity the old women, or want them passionately?
The waiter?

If I spilled red wine on the floor, you would let go of my hand, feeling
You don't know me, my dear, but maybe even the old women sense
that I love you, since they are so lively at cards, and the waiter dances
carrying a platter of wine, which means he believes in our love,

only you, you don't believe me, my dear,
you have been unloved for too long,
for a very long time.

Translated by Evald Flisar