مری چمبيلی كی نرم خوشبو

© Fahmida Riaz
De: Four Walls and a Black Veil
Karachi, Pakistan: Ameena Saiyid, Oxford University Press, 2004
ISBN: 0 19 597711 4
Producción de Audio: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


Every true poet is a monster.
He destroys people and their speech.
His singing elevates a technique that wipes out
the earth so we are not eaten by worms.
The drunk sells his coat.
The thief sells his mother.
Only the poet sells his soul to separate it
from the body that he loves.

Translated by Michael Biggins

from: Tomaž Šalamun: Four Questions of Melancholy. Translated by Michael Biggins
(c) by White Pine Press www.whitepine.org