Gemma Gorga


Sharon Dolin


Llibre dels minuts, 41.

S’ESQUERDA i finalment es trenca el plat que em conté, el plat
on em recullo cada nit, el plat que sóc, el plat on dono a menjar
el que sóc. S’esquerda i finalment es trenca la paraula plat, que
contenia la paraula jo, que contenia la paraula tu (mira quin
escampall de lletres, com si també s’hagués trencat el diccionari).
Tinc la certesa que sóc morta molt abans de contemplar el cos
estès a terra. Qui m’ha deixat relliscar d’entre les seves mans,
com una safata de porcellana ensabonada? Morir-se així com
s’esmicola un plat. I contemplar l’ànima, càlida com sopa, sobre
les rajoles que callen.

© Gemma Gorga
De: Llibre dels minuts
Barcelona: Columna, 2006
Producción de Audio: Institut Ramon Llull


It cracks and finally breaks, the plate that contains me, the
plate where I retreat each night, the plate that I am, the plate
where I offer what I am for others to eat. It cracks and finally
breaks, the word plate, which used to contain the word
I, which used to contain the word you (look what a scattering
of letters, as if the dictionary had broken as well). I am
certain I am dead long before I contemplate my body lying
on the ground. Who has let me slip through their hands like
a soapy, porcelain tray? To die this way, like a shattered
plate. And to contemplate the soul, as warm as soup, on the
silent tiles.

Translated by Sharon Dolin. Gemma Gorga, Book of Minutes, Oberlin College Press, 2018.