
i otvoren prozor?
            - i otvoren prozor.
i stvari koje vidiš kroz otvoren prozor?
            - i stvari koje vidim kroz otvoren prozor.
i stvari koje ostaju ispred otvorenog prozora?
            - i stvari koje ostaju ispred otvorenog prozora.
i stvari koje ne ulaze u okvir otvorenog prozora?
            - i stvari koje ne ulaze u okvir otvorenog prozora.
i stvari koje možeš dotaknuti jer stoje ispred
otvorenog prozora?
            - i stvari koje mogu dotaknuti jer stoje ispred
            otvorenog prozora.
i stvari koje su nedohvatljive jer stoje iza
otvorenog prozora?
            - i stvari koje su nedohvatljive jer stoje iza
                 otvorenog prozora.
i stvari koje su blizu i stvari koje su daleko?
            - i stvari koje su blizu i stvari koje su daleko.
i otvoren prozor?
            - i otvoren prozor.
i prozor koji nije otvoren, ali bi mogao biti otvoren?
            - i prozor koji nije otvoren, ali bi mogao biti
i otvoren prozor?
            - niti je prozor otvoren, niti bi mogao biti
i prozor koji je ispred tebe?
            - niti je prozor ispred mene, niti sam ja iza
            niti je prozor otvoren, niti sam vidio otvoren
            niti sam vidio ikakve stvari iza otvorenog
            niti sam mogao bilo kakve stvari doticati
            ispred otvorenog prozora, jer prozor niti je
            bio otvoren, niti je bio prozor.
            konačno, nisam ni htio spominjati otvoren
i otvoren prozor?
            - i otvoren prozor.

© Zvonko Maković
De: Činjenice
Producción de Audio: 2006, Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


and an open window?
    -and an open window.
 and things you see through that open window?
    -and things I see through that open window.
 and the things that are in front of that open window?
    -and the things that are in front of that open window.
 and the things that do not fit into that open window frame?
    - and the things that do not fit into that open window frame.
 and the things you can touch because they are in front of
                                that open window?
    -and the things I can touch because they are in front of
                                that open window.
 and the things that are unreachable because they are beyond
                                that open window?
    -and the things that are unreachable because they are beyond
                                that open window.
 and the things that are near and the things that are far?
    -and the things that are near and the things that are far.
 and the open window?
    -and the open window.
 and a window that's not but could be open?
    -and a window that's not but could be open.
 and an open window?
    -the window is not, and could not be, open.
 and a window that's in front of you?
    -neither is the window open, nor am I behind it.
     neither is the window open, nor have I seen the open window.
     nor have I seen anything behind the open window.
     nor could I have touched anything in front of the open
     window, for neither the window was open, nor ever
     a window.
     finally, I did not even want to mention an open window.
 and an open window?
    -and an open window.

Translated by Mario Suško