
她们都飞走了  离开了现代城
经过西单  塘沽  经过了柏林和科隆
路上下过雨  发生过禽流感  桃花落了
股市温柔地熄灭  婴儿降生了

但是她们都飞走了  在河南  台北
在开普敦中心车站  卖茶的人坐电梯
傍晚  终于变成了黑夜

她们关闭了燕莎  关闭了工体
她们为了爱情  炸毁了奥林匹克公园

但是为了失眠的心  但是卢森堡公园

但是蝴蝶在大屿湾飞  经过了天坛

但是蜜蜂  大麻  直升飞机带走了她们

终于变成了黑夜  她们叹息
她们变成了她  她们爱她  她们飞向

© YAN Jun
Producción de Audio: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2012

June 28th

They’ve all flown away       left the Modern Plaza
passing Xidan       Tanggu       passing Berlin and Cologne
It rained on the way the bird flu happened       peach blossoms fell
The stock market gently collapsed       a baby was incarnated

But they’ve all flown away       in Henan       Taipei
In the central station of Cape Town       a tea-peddler takes the elevator
At twilight       it finally gets dark

They closed Yansha       closed the Beijing Worker’s Stadium
For the sake of love they       blew up the Olympic Park

But for the sake of an insomniac heart       but the Luxembourg Gardens

But butterflies fly over Lantau Island       passing the Temple of Heaven

But honeybees       marijuana       a helicopter took them away
all of Wulumuqi has become a park

It’s finally night       they are sighing
They have become her       they love her       they fly toward
the next dream

© translated by Ao Wang and Eleanor Goodman
first published on Poetry International Web 2011