Mahmud Darwish  (محمود درويش)




يختارني الإيقاع árabe

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to poem

لي حكمة المحكوم بالإعدام árabe

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to poem

سيجيء يوم آخر árabe

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to poem

سقط الحصان عن القصيدة árabe

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to poem

في القدس árabe

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to poem

لم يسألوا: ماذا وراء الموت árabe

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to poem

لا شيء يعجبني árabe

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to poem

هو هادئ و أنا كذلك árabe

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to poem

في الانتظار árabe

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to poem

حالة حصار árabe

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to poem

Mahmud Darwish  محمود درويش

Foto ©
* 13.03.1941, Al-Birweh, Palestina
09.08.2008, Houston/Texas, Estados Unidos

Mahmoud Darwish, born in 1941 in Al-Birweh, Palestine, fled to Lebanon with his family in 1948. After the establishment of the state of Israel he and his family returned to Palestine. 
As a young man, Darwish faced house arrest and imprisonment for his political activism and for publicly reading his poetry. In 1969 he started studying in Moscow and moved to Cairo in 1970. 
In 1972 he became an editor of the journal “Palestine Affairs”, which is published in Beirut, and Head of the PLO Palestine Research Center in Beirut in 1975.
In 1981 he founded and edited the journal Al-Karmel.  

 Foto ©
Darwish became a board member of the PLO in 1987, but quit the organization in 1993 after the Oslo agreement came into effect.

Mahmoud Darwish is the author of over 30 books of poetry and eight books of prose. His poem collection “Leaves of the Olive Tree” gained him fame in the 60s. Mahmoud Darwish’s works have been translated into various languages.

The highly respected Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwisch died August 09, 2008 after a heartoperation in the Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center in Houston.

  • Asafir bila ajniha

    (Wingless birds)



  • Awraq Al-Zaytun

    (Leaves of olives)



  • Tagebuch der alltäglichen Traurigkeit

    Prosa aus Palästina.

    Hrsg./Übers. Von Farouk S. Beydoun

    Berlin: Verlag Der Olivenbaum, 1978

  • Ein Liebender aus Palästina

    Lyrik und Prosa

    Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, 1979

  • Weniger Rosen

    Gedichte (arab.-dt.)

    Berlin: Das arabische Buch, 1996

  • Palästina als Metapher

    Gespräche über Literatur und Politik

    Heidelberg: Palmyra Verlag, 1998

  • Ein Gedächtnis für das Vergessen

    Beirut, August 1982

    aus dem Arab. von Kristina Stock ; mit einem Nachw. von Hartmut Fähndrich

    Basel: Lenos Verlag, 2001

  • Weniger Rosen


    Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2002

  • Wir haben ein Land aus Worten

    ausgewählte Gedichte 1986-2002

    aus dem Arab. übers. und hrsg. von Stefan Weidner

    Zürich: Ammann Verlag, 2002

  • Unfortunately, It Was Paradise

    Translated and Edited by Munir Akash and Carolyn Forché with Sinan Antoon and Amira El-Zein

    University of California Press, 2003

  • Wo du warst und wo du bist

    aus dem Arabischen von Adel Karasholi

    München : A1 Verlag, 2004

  • Warum hast du das Pferd allein gelassen

    Gedichte : arabisch-deutsch

    aus dem Arab. übers. von Christine Battermann

    Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2004

  • Belagerunsgzustand

    Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt von Stephan Milich

    Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2006

  • The Butterfly's Burden

    incl. The Stranger’s Bed (1998), State of Siege (2002), Don’t Apologize For What You’ve Done (2003). Translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah

    Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon Press, 2007

  • Ibn Sina Prize

  • 1969 Lotus prize from the Union of Afro-Asian Writers

  • 1983 Lenin Peace Prize

  • 1997 Chevalier (Knight), Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France)

  • 2001 Lannan Cultural Freedom Award

  • 2003 Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis der Stadt Osnabrück

  • 2004 Prince Claus Award

  • 2007 Golden Wreath Award (Struga)

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