



Vasara pie aizas letón

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to poem

Rīts pirms revolūcijas letón

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to poem

Rilkes motīvs letón

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to poem

Komentārs tavam bezmiegam letón

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to poem

Pēc neatkarības atgūšanas letón

Artis Ostups 

Foto © Herta Pugača
* 08.04.1988, Madona, Letonia
Vive en: Carnikava, Letonia

Artis Ostups (born in 1988 in Madona, Latvia) studied Philosophy at the University of Latvia in Riga and is now doing research there in the Institute for Literature, Folklore and Art. He curates exhibitions for the Literature and Music Museum in Riga and is editor-in-chief of the online magazine Punctum. As well as poetry Ostups writes literary criticism and essays. His work is precise, sensuous and heavily involved with cultural themes. His poems have been translated into English, German, French, Russian, Lithuanian, Slovenian and Croatian and earned him the 2010 Prize of the International Writers’ and Translators’ House in Ventspils. He has published three collections of poems.

  • Biedrs Sniegs

    (Kamerad Schnee)

    Rīga: Mansards, 2010

  • Fotogrāfija un šķēres

    (Fotografie und Schere)

    Rīga: Mansards, 2013

  • Žesti


    Rīga: Neputns, 2016

  • 2011 Ojārs Vācietis Award special prize for Comrade Snow

  • 2014 Latvju Teksti Poem Contest Prize for the poem Trīs fotogrāfijas/ Three Photographies