



Moartea unui poem rumano

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to poem

Poem despre sau Poate că ai şi murit rumano

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to poem

Păpădii rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

printre blocuri rumano

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to poem

ciobănească rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

balet rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

un moş cu aragaz rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

un câine-balon rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

grădiniţa rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

un bătrân rumano

Traducciones: en

to poem

Alexandru Vakulovski 

Foto © Moni Stănilă
* 09.04.1978, Antoneşti/Ştefan Vodă, Moldavia
Vive en: Chișinău, Moldavia

Alexandru Vakulovski is a Moldavian poet, prose writer, dramaturg, scenarist, editorialist, critic, and translator. He was born in 1978 in Antoneşti/Ştefan Vodă which then belonged to the Soviet Union.

He studied at the State University of Moldova (Chişinău), and graduated at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca with a degree in philology.
He founded the web magazine "Tiuk! (k-avem kef)" in 2001 together with his brother Mihail Vakulovski, the graphic artist Dan Perjovschi, and Viorel Ciama.

Between 2003-2005 he worked as a book editor for the publishing houses Aula and Eikon. In 2009-2010 he was chief editor to Stare de urgenţă and Revista la plic, two cultural magazines from Chişinău, founded by ICR.

He published essays, prose, poetry, drama and reviews in a number of important Romanian and Moldavian cultural magazines. His works have been included in anthologies from Romania, the Republic of Moldova as well as internationally. In his work he addresses everyday life in eastern Europe. His language is harsh, crude and provocative. In his texts, he ignores ethical and aesthetic taboos and challenges critics. He is also active as a translator of contemporary Russian literature.

Together with his wife, the Romanian writer Moni Stanila, Alexandru Vakulovski coordinates the literary circle Republica at the National Library in Chisinau.

  • Pizdeţ (Fucked up)


    Braşov: Aula Publishing House, 2002

  • Oedip, regele mamei lui Freud (Oedip, the king of Freud's mother)


    Braşov: Aula Publishing House, 2002

  • Ruperea (Rupturing)

    stage play


  • Letopizdeţ

    White cactuses for my girlfriend

    Cluj: IDEA Design & Print Publishing House, 2004

  • ecstasy


    Bucuresti: Pontica Publishing House, 2005

  • YOU

    along with Mihail Vakulovski

    Bucureşti: Biblioteca de Poezie / Poetry Library, 2002

  • Bong


    Iaşi: Polirom Publishing House, 2007

  • 157 de trepte spre iad sau Salvaţi-mă la Roşia Montană


    Chisinau: Cartier Publishing House, 2010

  • Daţi foc la cărţi (Set fire to books)


    Bucuresti: Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2012

  • Afghans

    [recent history, interviews and letters with moldovan fighters from the war in Afghanistan]

    Bucuresti: Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2016

  • 2002 Esinencu Prize for the Best Book

  • 2002 Underground Prize Alternative area for “Tiuk! library”

  • 2013 National Library prize Galex for scenarist, Cool Publika

  • 2010 Prize "Insolite", National Library award for 157 steps to Hell

  • 2013 Prize „Transmodernitate” of the Ministry of Culture of Moldova

  • 2013 Galex Prize for Screenwriters of the National Library

  • 2013 Transmodernitate Prize (with Sagarmatha, from Moni Stănilă) of the Culture Ministry of Moldavia for Sagarmatha