Janko Lozar 

on Lyrikline: 6 poems translated

from: english to: slovenian



[The midsummer sea . . .]

english | Derek Walcott

The midsummer sea, the hot pitch road, this grass, these shacks that
       made me,
jungle and razor grass shimmering by the roadside, the edge of art;
wood lice are humming in the sacred wood,
nothing can burn them out, they are in the blood;
their rose mouths, like cherubs, sing of the slow science
of dying – all heads, with, at each ear, a gauzy wing.
Up at Forest Reserve, before branches break into sea,
I looked through the moving, grassed window and thought „pines“
or conifers of some sort. I thought they must suffer
in this tropical heat with their child´s idea of Russia.
Then suddenly, from their rotting logs, distracting signs
of the faith I betrayed, or the faith that betrayed me –
yellow butterflies rising on the road to Valencia
stuttering „yes“ to the resurrection; “yes, yes is our answer,“
the gold-robed Nunc Dimittis of their certain choir.
Where´s my child´s hymnbook, the poems edged in gold leaf,
the heaven I worship with no faith in heaven,
as the Word turned toward poetry in its grief?
Ah, bread of life, that only love can leaven!
Ah, Joseph, though no man ever dies in his own country,
the grateful grass will grow thick from his heart.

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 1998
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Morje visokega poletja ...]


Morje visokega poletja, vroča asfaltna cesta, ta trava, te kolibe, ki so me ustvarile,
džungla in ostra trava, ki se pozibava ob cestišču, rob umetnosti;
končiči mrmrajo v svetem gaju,
nič jih ne more izžgati, v tvoji krvi so;
njihove rožne čeljusti kot kerubi pojejo o počasni znanosti
umiranja – same glave, z, ob vsakem ušesu, prozornim krilom.
Gor v gozdnem rezervatu, preden se veje nalomijo v morje,
sem gledal skozi gibljivo, travnato okno in mislil »borovce«
ali iglavce neke vrste. Pomislil sem, da bržkone trpijo
v tropski vročini s svojo otroško podobo Rusije.
Potem pa nenadoma, iz njihovih gnilih debel, vznemirljiva znamenja
vere, ki sem se ji izneveril, ali vere, ki se je izneverila meni –
rumeni metulji, ki se dvigajo nad cesto v Valencio,
jecljajoč »da« vstajenju; »da, da je naš odgovor,«
v zlato obleko odet Nunc Dimittis njihovega zanesljivega zbora.
Kje je moja otroška cerkvena pesmarica, zlato obrobljene pesmi,
nebesa, ki jih častim brez vere v nebesa,
ko se Beseda žalujoč zaobrne k poeziji?
Ah, kruh življenja, ko bi vsaj lahko ljubezen prežemala!
Ah, Joseph, čeprav nihče nikoli ne umre v svoji deželi,
hvaležna trava bo gosto pognala iz njegovega srca.

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar

[The jet bores like a silverfish . . .]

english | Derek Walcott

The jet bores like a silverfish through volumes of cloud –
clouds that will keep no record of where we have passed,
nor the sea’s mirror, nor the coral busy with its own
culture; they aren’t doors of dissolving stone,
but pages in a damp culture that come apart.
So a hole in their parchment opens, and suddenly, in a vast
dereliction of sunlight, there’s that island known
to the traveller Trollope, and the fellow traveller Froude,
for making nothing. Not even a people. The jet’s shadow
ripples over green jungles as steadily as a minnow
through seaweed. Our sunlight is shared by Rome
and your white paper, Joseph. Here, as everywhere else,
it is the same age. In cities, in settlements of mud,
light has never had epochs. Near the rusty harbor
around Port of Spain bright suburbs fade into words –
Maraval, Diego Martin – the highways long as regrets,
and steeples so tiny you couldn’t hear their bells,
nor the sharp exclamations of whitewashed minarets
from green villages. The lowering window resounds
over pages of earth, the canefields set in stanzas.
Skimming over an ocher swamp like a fast cloud of egrets
are nouns that find their branches as simply as birds.
It comes too fast, this shelving sense of home –
canes rushing the wing, a fence; a world that still stands as
the trundling tires keep shaking and shaking the heart.

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 2001
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M.Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Letalo vrta kot srebrna ribica ...]


Letalo vrta kot srebrna ribica skoz morje oblakov –
oblaki, ki ne bodo beležili naših mimohodov,
niti zrcalo morja, niti korale, zazrte v svojo
rast; niso vrata topečega se kamna,
temveč listi papirja v vlažni kulturi, ki razpadajo.
Tako se odpre luknja v pergamentu in nenadoma se
v veliki oseki sončnih žarkov pojavi tisti otok, poznan
popotniku Trollopu in sopotniku Froudu po tem,
da ne daje ničesar. Niti ljudstev ne. Senca letala
valovi prek zelenih džungel mirno kot pezdirk
skoz morske trave. Naše sončne žarke si delita Rim
in tvoj bel papir, Joseph. Tukaj, kot povsod drugod,
je ista doba. V mestih, v naselbinah blata,
svetloba nikoli ni imela svojih razdobij. Blizu rjavečega pristanišča
okrog Port of Spain žareča predmestja izginjajo v besede –
Maraval, Diego Martin – avtoceste dolge kot obžalovanja,
in zvoniki tako drobni, da ne slišiš njihovih zvonov,
niti ostrih vzklikov z apnom obeljenih minaretov
iz zelenih vasi. Spuščajoče se okno odmeva
po straneh zemlje, polja trstja zahajajo v kitice.
Nad okrasnim barjem drsijo kot bliskovit oblak belih čapelj
samostalniki, ki si poiščejo veje s preprostostjo ptic.
Prenaglo prihaja, ta položni občutek doma –
trstje poganja krilca, ograja; svet, ki še vedno stoji, medtem ko
kotaleča se kolesa nenehno stresajo in stresajo srce.

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar

[Raw ocher sea cliffs in the slanting]

english | Derek Walcott

Raw ocher sea cliffs in the slanting afternoon,
at the bursting end of Balandra, the dry beach´s end,
that a shadow´s dial wipes out of sight and mind.
White sanderlings race the withdrawing surf to pick,
with wink-quick stabs, shellfish between the pebbles,
ignoring the horizon where a sail goes out
like the love of Prospero for his island kingdom.
A grape leaf shields the sun with veined, orange hand,
but its wick blows out, and the sanderlings are gone.
Go, light, make weightless the burden of our thought,
let our misfortune have no need for magic,
be untranslatable in verse or prose.
Let us darken like stones that have never frowned or known
the need for art or medicine, for Prospero´s
snake-knotted steff, or sea-bewildering stick;
erase these ciphers of birds´ prints on sand.   
Proportion benedict us, as in fables,
that in life´s last third, its movements, we accept the
measurements of our acts from one to three,
and boarding this craft, pull till a dark wind
rolls this pen on a desktop, a broken oar, a scepter
swayed by the surf, the scansion of the sea.

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 1998
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Surovo okraste morske pečine v nagibajočem se]


Surovo okraste morske pečine v nagibajočem se popoldnevu,
na razpočenem koncu Balandre, koncu izsušene obale,
ki jih senčna ura izbriše spred oči in iz misli.
Beli vivki tekajo za morsko peno, z bliskovitimi vbodljaji
lovijo lupinarje med prodniki,
ne meneč se za obzorje, kjer jadro pojema
kot ljubezen Prospera do otoškega kraljestva.
Trtni list zakriva sonce z žilnato, oranžno roko,
a njegov stenj ugasne in vivki so odšli.
Daj, svetloba, odvzemi težo bremenu naših misli,
naj našo nesrečo ne žeja po čarodejstvu,
bodi neprevedljiva v poezijo ali prozo.
Naj potemnimo kot kamni, ki niso nikdar mrščili čela ali poznali
potrebe po umetnosti ali čarovniji, po Prosperovem
kačjerepem žezlu ali palici, ki vznemirja morje;
zbriši te šifre ptičjih odtisov v pesku.
Skladnost blagoslovi nas, kot v bajkah,
da v zadnji tretjini življenja, v njegovih gibih sprejmemo
mero opravljenih dejanj od ena do tri,
in da na splavu brodimo, dokler temni veter
ne zakotali to pero po mizi, zlomljeno veslo, žezlo,
ki ga vzgibljejo kipeči valovi, skandiranje morja.

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar

[Perhaps if I'd nurtured some]

english | Derek Walcott

Perhaps if I'd nurtured some divine disease,
like Keats in eternal Rome, or Chekhov at Yalta,
something that sharpened the salt fragrance of sweat
with the lancing nib of my pen, my gift would increase,
as the hand of a cloud turning over the sea will alter
the sunlight – clouds smudged like silver plate,
leaves that keep trying to summarize my life.
Under the brain's white coral is a seething anthill.
You had such a deep faith in that green water, once.
The skittering fish were harried by your will –
the stingray halved itself in clear bottom sand,
its tail a whip, its back as broad as a shovel;
the sea horse was fragile as glass, like grass, every tendril
of the wandering medusa: friends and poisons.
But to curse your birthplace is the final evil.
You could map my limitations four yards up from a beach –
a boat with broken ribs, the logwood that grows only thorns,
a fisherman throwing away fish guts outside his hovel.
What if the lines I cast bulge into a book
that has caught nothing? Wasn't it privilege
to have judged one's work by the glare of greater minds,
though the spool of days that midsummer's reel rewinds
comes bobbling back with its question, its empty hook?

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 1998
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Morda, če bi živel s kakšno]


Morda, če bi živel s kakšno božansko boleznijo,
tako kot Keats v večnem Rimu ali Čehov na Jalti,
z nečim, kar izostri vonj slanega znoja
z urezano konico peresa, bi moja nadarjenost narasla,
tako kot bo obračajoča roka oblaka nad morjem spremenila
svetlobo – oblaki, umazani kot krožnik iz srebra,
listi, ki se trudijo povzeti moje življenje.
Pod belo koralo možganov vre mravljišče.
Bil si tako globoko zaverovan v tisto zeleno vodo, nekoč.
Tvoja volja je plenila vznemirjene ribe –
električni skat se je prepolovil na čistem peščenem dnu,
njegov rep bič, hrbet širok kot lopata;
morski konjiček je bil krhek kot steklo, kot trava, vsak koder
klateške meduze: prijatelji in strupi.
Preklinjati rojstni kraj pa je poslednje zlo.
Lahko bi zarisal moje meje štiri metre od obale –
čoln polomljenih reber, višnjeva pražiljka, ki daje samo trne –
ribič, ki pred kolibo odvrže ribje drobovje.
Kaj če mreže, ki jih odvržem, nabreknejo v knjigo,
ki ni ujela ničesar? Ali ni privilegij
soditi o lastnem delu s sijajem veleumnejših,
četudi se tuljava dnevov, ki previja tisti trak visokega poletja,
brbotajoč vrača s svojim vprašanjem, praznim trnkom?

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar

[Our houses are one step from the gutter]

english | Derek Walcott

Our houses are one step from the gutter. Plastic curtains
or cheap prints hide what is dark behind windows –
the pedalled sewing machine, the photos, the paper rose
on its doily. The porch rail is lined with red tins.
A man’s passing height is the same size as their doors,
and the doors themselves, usually no wider than coffins,
sometimes have carved in their fretwork little half-moons.
The hills have no echoes. Not the echo of ruins.
Empty lots nod with their palanquins of green.
Any crack in the sidewalk was made by the primal fault
of the first map of the world, its boundaries and powers.
By a pile of red sand, of seeding, abandoned gravel
near a burnt-out lot, a fresh jungle unfurls its green
elephants’ ears of wild yams and dasheen.
One step over the low wall, if you should care to,
recaptures a childhood whose vines fasten your foot.
And this is the lot of all wanderers, this is their fate,
that the more they wander, the more the world grows wide.
So, however far you have travelled, your
steps make more holes and the mesh is multiplied –
or why should you suddenly think of Tomas Venclova,
and why should I care about whatever they did to Heberto
when exiles must make their own maps, when this asphalt
takes you far from the action, past hedges of unaligned flowers?

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 2001
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M.Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Naše hiše so korak stran od obcestnega jarka]


Naše hiše so korak stran od obcestnega jarka. Plastične zavese
ali ceneni časopisi očem prikrivajo tisto, kar je temnega za okni –
nožni šivalni stroj, fotografije, papirnata vrtnica
na prtičku. Ograja na verandi je ovešena z rdečimi pločevinkami.
Mimoidoča višina moškega je enake velikosti kot njihova vrata,
in v sama vrata, običajno nič širša od krste,
so včasih vrezani majhni polmeseci.
Hribi nimajo odmevov. Ne odmev ruševin.
Prazna zemljišča kimajo s palankini zelene.
Sleherna razpoka na pločniku je tu zaradi prvobitne napake
prvega zemljevida sveta, njegovih meja in sil.
Ob kupu rdečega peska, setvine, opuščen gramoz
blizu zgorele parcele, sveža džungla razvije svoja zelena
slonja ušesa divje batate in kačnika.
En korak čez nizek zid, če se vam ljubi,
prikliče v spomin otroštvo, čigar ovijalke se oprimejo nog.
In to je večina vseh klatežev, to je njihova usoda,
da bolj ko se klatijo, širši postaja svet.
Tako da naj si potoval še tako daleč, tvoji
koraki naredijo več lukenj in zanke se množijo –
oziroma zakaj bi se moral nenadoma spomniti Tomasa Venclove,
in zakaj naj bi me skrbelo, kaj so naredili Hebertu,
ko pa morajo izgnanci risati svoje zemljevide, ko pa te ta asfalt
odnese daleč stran od dejanja, mimo živih meja razmetanih rož?

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar

[It touches earth . . .]

english | Derek Walcott

It touches earth, that branched diviner’s rod
the lightning, like the swift note of a swallow on the staff
of four electric wires, while everything I read
or write goes on too long. Ah, to have
a tone colloquial and stiff,
the brevity of that short syllable, God,
all synthesis in one heraldic stroke,
like Li Po or a Chinese laundry mark! Walk
these hot streets, their signs a dusty backdrop stuck
to the maundering ego. The lines that jerk
into step do not fit any mold. More than time
keeps shifting. Language never fits geography
except when the earth and summer lightning rhyme.
When I was greener, I strained with a branch
to utter every tongue, language, and life at once.
More skillful now, I’m more dissatisfied.
They never align, nature and your
own nature. Too rapid the lightning’s shorthand,
too patient the sea repeatedly tearing up paper,
too frantic the wind unravelling the same knot,
too slow the stones crawling toward language every night.

© by Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 2001
from: Mittsommer / Midsummer
München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2001
ISBN: 3-446-20102-5
Audio production: 2001 M.Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

[Dotakne se zemlje ...]


Dotakne se zemlje, ta razvejan bič vedeževalca,
blisk, kot živahen glas lastovice na drogu
štirih električnih žic, medtem ko vse, kar berem
ali pišem, traja predolgo. Ah, imeti
pogovoren in odločen glas,
zgoščenost tistega kratkega zloga, Bog,
celotna sinteza v enem zamahu glasnika,
kot Li Po ali zaščitna znamka kitajske pralnice! Hodi
po teh vročih ulicah, njihovi znaki so prašen zastor,
prilepljen na brezciljni ego. Črte, ki se zaganjajo
v korak, se ne prilegajo nobenemu kalupu. Bolj kot se čas
obrača. Jezik nikdar ne ustreza geografiji,
razen ko se zemlja in poletni blisk ujameta v rimo.
Ko sem bil bolj zelen, sem se upogibal z vejo,
da bi izgovoril vsako govorico, jezik in življenje hkrati.
Zdaj sem bolj vešč, in bolj nezadovoljen.
Nikoli ne stopita skupaj v vrsto, narava in tvoja
lastna narava. Prehitra je stenografija bliska,
preveč potrpežljivo morje, ki vedno znova strga papir,
preveč besen veter, ki razvezuje isti vozel,
prepočasni kamni, ki se vsako noč plazijo h govorici.

Iz nemščine prevedel Janko Lozar