Majda Šodan 

on Lyrikline: 4 poems translated

from: croatian to: english




croatian | Ana Brnardić

točno je 18 sati u Minneapolisu
u dvorani za osumnjičene ja i punašna crnkinja
ona unosi „hranu, zmije i insekte“ u SAD
a ja sam siromašna udavača
gospodin Kai gleda me odozdo u oči
otvara moju torbu punu miraza
u njoj se bijeli sumnjivi rukopis
želi znati što će mi 200 papira natipkanih na čudnom jeziku
to je fascinantna rekonstrukcija života
našega Spasitelja, kažem u sebi
drhtim, znojim se
prihvaćam ulogu nevjeste-terorista
nakon sat vremena otključavaju vrata
posvuda miris palmina ulja
stopala propadaju do gležnja u aerodromski tapison
odbacujem željezne proteze iz domovine i
tonem u ružičastu milost

© Ana Brnardić
from: Postanak ptica
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo pisaca, 2009
Audio production: Croatian PEN Centre



It is exactly 18:00 hours in Minneapolis.
In the suspects waiting room I sit next to a plump black lady.
She tried to smuggle "food, snakes and insects" into the USA.
I am, on the other hand, a poor bride hunting for a husband.
Mr Kai peers down at me. 
He opens my bag brimming with dowry.
A white manuscript sticks out suspiciously.
He wants to know why I have 200 pages typed in some strange language.
That is a fascinating reconstruction of the life
of our Lord the Saviour - I say to myself.
I shiver and perspire.
I accept the role of a terrorist-bride.
An hour later someone unlocks the door.
Suddenly everything smells of palm oil.
My feet sink into the airport carpet.
I discard the iron prosthesis of my homeland
as I slide into a pink mercy.

Translated by Damir and Majda Šodan
Translation published in:" ">

misli se odmaraju

croatian | Ana Brnardić

Misli se odmaraju na predmetima –
teške legnu na hrast, lake na listove lipe –
ili kao mehanizam pisaće mašine pod korom

Ljubavnicima odgovara takav način
života, gdje termiti prelaze preko neravnina
okorjelih ljubavnih formula

opipati željezna slova
u sljepoočici dragog bića
uhvatiti posljednji od ubrzanih zareza
koji jure poput mrava iz usta –
ljubav je hladna i topla

lijena na suncu
zapisana rutinskim rukopisom na posve
nezainteresiranom lišću

© Ana Brnardić
from: Postanak ptica
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo pisaca, 2009
Audio production: Croatian PEN Centre



Thoughts recline on objects –
the heavy ones lay on oaks, the light ones descend onto lime-tree leaves –
others clatter like a typewriter underneath
the bark
Lovers appreciate this way
of life where termites disregard the bumps
of notorious recipes of love
feeling iron letters
underneath the temples of loved ones
catching the last of the hurried commas
running like ants out of mouths –
love is both cold and warm
lazy in the Sun
written out in routine handwriting
across utterly disinterested leaves

Translated by Damir and Majda Šodan
Translation published in:" ">

kuća u miamisburgu

croatian | Ana Brnardić

Cijele noći kukurikanje zrikavaca.
Nebo se savija oko zemlje.
Bog je familijaran i srdačno tapše
svoje goste.

Krijesnice svijetle 120 wata.

S Julijinog balkona promatram životinje.
Ljudi ovdje ne žive.
Ne žive ni u kućama ni u neboderima.
Spavaju u inicijalima tvrtke,
a zatim od stresa silaze u zemlju
gdje beru izvrnute plodove
s telegrafskih žica.

© Ana Brnardić
from: Postanak ptica
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo pisaca, 2009
Audio production: Croatian PEN Centre



Crickets chirp all through the night.
The sky gently envelops the earth. 
God is intimate and welcomes his guests
by patting them on the shoulder.
Fireflies shine like 120 Watt light bulbs.
From Juliet's balcony I observe the animals.
People do not live here.
Not in those houses or high-rises.
They sleep in the logos of their companies
as they descend from stress into the subterranean
picking fruits that hang from the telegraph lines
– upside down.

Translated by Damir and Majda Šodan
Translation published in:" ">


croatian | Ana Brnardić

U visini listaju se štampane stranice neba
Dolje carinik traži otisak prsta
pečat rodnog stabalca
na papiru za turističku vizu

U licu mi sjaji žuti balkanski mjesec
Zaboravila sam ga ugasiti iznad oceana

Obitelj pored mene ima više iskustva
Tužnu pentatoniku skrili su u rukav
Službeniku podastiru ogromne količine
kalifornijskog osmijeha

Iza barikade nasmiješeni starci
s frizurama od šećerne vune
pružaju mi ruke i vode me u raj

© Ana Brnardić
from: Postanak ptica
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo pisaca, 2009
Audio production: Croatian PEN Centre



High above pages of the sky rustle
Down below a customs officer wants your fingerprint
The stamp of your family-tree
On your tourist visa application.
The yellow Balkan moon shines across my face.
I forgot to turn it off as we flew over the ocean.
The family next to me has more experience.
They hid their sad pentatonic up their sleeve:
Showering the official at the counter
With a healthy dose of Californian smiles.
Behind the barricade, cheerful old people
with candy-floss haircuts
extend their arms to take me to heaven.

Translated by Damir and Majda Šodan
Translation published in:" ">