Jayde Will 

on Lyrikline: 10 poems translated

from: estonian to: english




estonian | Mats Traat

Ma tahtsin süüa nagu iga teinegi
ja sellepärast õpetasin lastele
aastal 1915,
et tsaar on Jumalast
ja sakslased on meie surmavaenlased.
Aastal 1930
õpetasin lastele,
et iseseisvus on suur saavutus
ja enamlased on ta surmavaenlased.
Kui ma olin eluga pääsenud Klooga laagrist,
õpetasin lastele 1945,
et fašism on inimkonna surmavaenlane.
Mind peeti heaks õpetajaks.
Aga kui ma sain seitsmekümne viie aastaseks,
öeldi juubeli puhul,
nagu oleksin juba karjapoisina
olnud tulihingeline kommunist
ja puhunud lepakoorest pasunal
Vabandage, kuid see on küll loba.

© Mats Traat
from: Harala elulood
Tallinn: Kupar, 2001
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]



Like any other I wanted to eat
and that's why I taught children
that the czar is from God
and that Germans are our mortal enemy
In 1930
I taught children
that independence is a huge achievement
and the Bolsheviks are their mortal enemies
Having escaped with my life from the Klooga camp
I taught kids in 1945
that fascism is society's mortal enemy
I was praised as a good teacher
but when I became seventy-five
on the occassion of a jubilee it was said
as if I, already as a young shepard boy
had been a fervent communist
and blown the Marseillaise
on a trumpet of
alder bark
I'm sorry, but that is just nonsense

Translated by Jayde Will


estonian | Mats Traat

Minu priinimi oli Kivi
Mu maja oli kivist.
Ja süda oli kivist.
Miks siis rist on puust?

© Mats Traat
from: Harala elulood
Tallinn: Kupar, 2001
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

Village Elder


My last name was Stone
My house was made of stone.
And my heart was out of stone.
Then why was the cross out of wood?

Translated by Jayde Will


| Eda Ahi

ma kordan oma korralagedusi,
kordan, kuni korisengi kord.
ma armastan neid elu magedusi
(orkester, palun plahvatav akord).

mus pole mingit revolutsionääri -
on ainult paar mu püsimatuid sääri,
mis kaua paigal tammuda ei jaksa.

signore, olge ettevaatlik muga,
ma sülitan ja suudlen sama suuga
ja madratsiks mind kutsuda ei maksa:


ja äkki viskan vedru välja.

© Eda Ahi
from: Gravitatsioon
Tallinn: Verb, 2013
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]



I tend to repeat my despicable mess
I tend to repeat it as I stir it with ease
I truly and deeply love life’s tastelessness
Orchestra give me a booming chord please

There is not one bit of revolutionary in me
just a few restless legs and no more as you see
unable to stay put in one place for too long

signore, be careful with me and lest you forget
it’s with this same mouth that I kiss and I spit
if you call me a tramp be aware that you’re wrong


and suddenly I burst and finally throw you out

Translated by Jayde Will


estonian | Eda Ahi

Odüsseus, su hobu võitis Trooja,
su kõrvades on laulmas veel sireenid,
sa oled ujund pühas vees ja roojas.
ma tean, et sul on geniaalsed geenid.

su minevik on selge siililegi,
kuid mulle pole tähtis, mis sa tegid.
vaid olevik on ookean, muu on vaht.
ma tahan lihtsalt tantsida end segi
ja laulda, kuni laseb kopsumaht.

ning tule, tunnen elueliksiire,
millest pole tõele miski truum.
Odüsseus, sa kompad ilma piire -
nüüd näitan sulle, kus on selle tuum.

© Eda Ahi
from: Gravitatsioon
Tallinn: Verb, 2013
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2018

To Odysseus


Troy was conquered by your horse, Odysseus
the sirens are still ringing in your ears
you have swam both in feces and waters so virtuous
I know that you posses genes so revered

your past is as crystal clear as the sea
though what you have done matters little to me
the present is an ocean, the rest merely foam
All I want to do is dance myself crazy
and sing as much as my lungs allow

so come, it is I that know of life’s elixirs
certainly the best that you will ever find
Odysseus, you try to grasp the world’s limits
But now I will show you where its true essence lies

Translated by Jayde Will


estonian | Eeva Park

Kui sa kohe ei tule mu aeda õitseb ära mandlipuu ja kreek
toomingalõhn haihtub
kui sa ei tule
pudenevad ploomiõied ja vanade õunapuude kevadvalgus
lendab jahedas hommikutuules võilillede vaipa
kui sa kohe ei tule
avanevad pojengide hiigelõied
lõhnab jasmiin ja rohi ja esimesed maasikad
kui sa ei tule
korjan põõsastelt sõstardesaagi käärivaks veiniks
mulksuma vereringe pulssi
ja võtan üles kartulid hiirepesasid täis põllult
kui sa kohe ei tule
arvad sa et ma olen vaid vaene valetaja
tühjas raagus aias
keset pori ja hallaöid
kui sa ei tule
saab otsa selgeks klaarunud suvevein
mis annab lume maitsele pojengide suletud südamiku tolmu

kui sa alles siis tuled

© Eeva Park
from: Vaba langemine
Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2002
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

An invitation, For you


If you don’t come quick to my garden the almond tree and bullace will wither
the bird cherry scent will vanish
if you don’t come
the plum blossoms will fall off and in the spring light of the old apple trees
dandelions’ dead bodies will fly in the cool morning breeze
if you don’t come quick
the huge peony blossoms will open
the jasmine and grass and first strawberries will give off their scent
if you don’t come
I will gather currants from the bushes for fermented wine
to bubble up the bloodstream’s pulse
and I will take the potatoes out of the fields full of mouse nests
if you don’t come quick
you will think that I am just a poor liar
in an empty bare garden
in the middle of mud and hoarfrost nights
if you don’t come
the cleared summer wine will run out
which gives pollen closed in the peonies’ heart a snowy taste

if you come only then.

Translated by Jayde Will


estonian | Eeva Park

Viidi läbi nukrameelsuse uuring
koostati töörühm
nimetati projektijuht
otsiti masenduse algpõhjusi
jätkuva stressi üldisi ilminguid
kaaluti kurbust ja vererõhku
kolesterooli silmapõhjasi käte värisemist neere
ultraheliga vaadati südant

ja ma nägin
lamades paljana vasak rind geeline
sinakal ekraanil
tuksles tulekarva vulkaanipursetes
maailma esimese mere
sügavaima sügavuse ürgloom

© Eeva Park
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

The Object


A study of melancholy was conducted.
A team drawn up.
A project manager appointed,
root causes of depression investigated,
measured the general signs of continues stress,
sorrow and blood pressure weighed,
shaking of hands
heart examination by ultrasound
and I saw
lying naked with gel on the left breast
the first being from the of depths
of the earth`s first sea pulsated on the blue screen
in flaming volcano eruption.

Translated by Jayde Will (from Estonian to English)

formica rufa

estonian | Eeva Park

kelle kurnasin välja kasemahlapurgist
ei surnud
ega surnud,
kuigi tapsin teda juba viiendat korda,
vajutasin parema käe pöidla ja nimetissõrme vahel
uputasin kraanivette,
vajutasin lusikaga,
aga ta ronis välja valamust,
tumepruun ja tundlad sirgu,
liikus kuuel jalal kiirelt
ikka selles ühes suunas
vilksatas mõte,
et annaks armu,
viskaks ta õue,
laseks elada,
kui tunneksin ta kõnnaku ära kõikide
teiste sipelgate hulgast,
oleksin sipelgate Jumal.
Aga ei tunne ju.

© Eeva Park
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

Formica rufa


The ant,
which I drained out of a birch juice jar
didn’t die
nor was it dead,
though I killed it already for the fifth time,
I pressed him to bits between the thumb and forefinger
of my right hand,
drowned him with tap water
pressed him with a spoon,
but he climbed out of the sink,
dark brown and straight antennas
moving quickly on six legs
still in that one direction
a quick thought,
to grant him amnesty
I could toss him in the yard,
let him live,
if I could recognize his gait out of all
the other ants
I could be god of the ants
But I don’t.

Translated by Jayde Will

Pikal pingil

estonian | Eeva Park

Vanad ilusad naised ütlesid tule ära tule meie seltsi
Tule istu siia pikale pingile
Me teeme sulle koha eneste keskele
sest kui meie läheme
siit üle pimeda
pead sina jääma
panema käed põlvedele
ja ütlema
olen ilus vana naine
pikal pingil
selle ilma serva pääl

© Eeva Park
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

On a Long Bench


The old beautiful women said come over
and sit here with us on the long bench
we’ll make room for you in the middle
because when we go
through the dark from here
you’ll have to stay
put your hands on your knees
and say
I am a beautiful old woman
on a long bench
at the edge of this world

Translated by Jayde Will

Issanda aastal, anno domini

estonian | Eeva Park

Kogu aeg mõtlen raha peale
Et teda ei ole
Mõõdan mobiilkõnede pikkust
Mitte sisu
Proovin hästi lühidalt ära öelda
ja hakkan ko ko kokutama
Esimest korda elus
Ei saa sõna suust välja
Mõtlen raha peale
Keerutan käes
Viimast hõbedat hoian keele all
et seda oleks kord laugudele panna
kartes et muidu
maetakse silmad pärani
          kui kalliks seegi veel
Mõtlen nullist
elu võlasummade taga
Kogu aeg mõtlen

© Eeva Park
from: Homsed uudised
Tallinn: Verb, 2005
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

In the Year of the Lord


I think about money all the time
That I don’t have any
I measure a mobile phone call’s length
Not its content
I try to be very brief
And I start to st-st-stutter
For the first time in my life
I can’t spit out a word
I think about money
I turn it between my fingers
I hold the last coin under my tongue
So it could be put on my eyelids
Fearing that otherwise
I will be buried with my eyes wide-opened
I think about
              How expensive it will
                                                all be
I think of the zeros
                              the roundness
Of the sum of my life’s debts
I think the whole time

Translated by Jayde Will (from Estonian to English)


estonian | Viivi Luik

Põhjamaa lagendik
lõpmatu lubadus
null ja eimiski
pealaest jalatallani taevas

metsade niiske vari
paljaks näritud kondid ja jää
alati tuleva kevade valgus
hoovus mis viib

Õite vere ja seemnete voog
korra surnuhaud
korra vilepill võililleaasal

Vanana sündind
elamas nooreks

© Viivi Luik
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]



A northern country´s clearing
an endless promise
nil and nothing
sky from head to toe

the damp shadow of the forests
bones gnawed naked and ice
the spring light always coming
a flow which carries

a surge of blossoms blood and seeds
at once a gravestone
and a flute in a dandelion meadow

Born old
living young

Translated by Jayde Will