Tiina Aleman


***[Skalpell ja metronoom]

Skalpell ja metronoom
mu isa klaveril
enda vahel hoidsid vaikust,
kui ma olin laps.

Nüüd alles, aegamööda,
olen hakanud kuulma,
nende kummalisi lugusid.

Imeõhukeseks ihuvad need aja.

© Doris Kareva
From: Aja kuju
Tallinn: Verb, 2005
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus 2014

***[The scalpel and the metronome]

The scalpel and the metronome
on my father’s piano
kept a silence between them,
when I was a child.

Only now, with time,
have I begun to hear,
their strange stories.

They delicately carve time.

Translated by Tiina Aleman