Eeva Park


Jayde Will


Pikal pingil

Vanad ilusad naised ütlesid tule ära tule meie seltsi
Tule istu siia pikale pingile
Me teeme sulle koha eneste keskele
sest kui meie läheme
siit üle pimeda
pead sina jääma
panema käed põlvedele
ja ütlema
olen ilus vana naine
pikal pingil
selle ilma serva pääl

© Eeva Park
Audio production: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]

On a Long Bench

The old beautiful women said come over
and sit here with us on the long bench
we’ll make room for you in the middle
because when we go
through the dark from here
you’ll have to stay
put your hands on your knees
and say
I am a beautiful old woman
on a long bench
at the edge of this world

Translated by Jayde Will