Cançó de vela

Arrenca el gep flexible de l’onada,
canta la boira, xiula el bufarut,
ens esquitxa un riuxim d’aigua salada
i grinyolen els dintres del llagut.
Ai, qui pensa en l’amor,
oh, mar sonor!
ai, qui pensa en l’amor!
Enllà tenim les costes oblidades,
enllà hi ha el poble blanquinós, suau,
i el llagut, vinga salts i patacades,
enmig del gran deliri verd i blau.
A terra hi hem deixat coses marcides
dels nostres sentiments i voluntats
i ara es van aclarint les nostres vides
com els serrells d’escuma platejats.
Allà hi ha el neguiteig del nostre viure,
les punxes a l’aguait de nostra pell,
ara els neguits són coses de per riure,
dintre el llagut que va tot de gairell.
Au... canta, mariner, xiscla, ventada!
no perdi prou el teu delit valent;
infla’t, vela; remunta, aigua salada;
sacseja’ns brutalment.
Sacseja’ns brutalment, o mar sonor!
Esmicola les penes de l’amor.

© Josep Maria de Sagarra
Audio production: Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Sailing Song

The supple hump of the wave springs up,
the mist sings, whistles the gust,
we are splashed by a surge of salty water
and the belly of the catboat squeaks.
Oh, who thinks of love,
oh, sonorous sea!
oh, who thinks of love!
Farther away, the forgotten shores,
the whitish village, subdued,
and the catboat keeps jumping and bumping
in the midst of the green and blue frenzy.
On land, we have left things withered
from our feelings and desires
and now our lives are becoming clearer
like the fringes of silvery foam.
Over there, the restlessness of our living,
thorns awaiting our skin,
now our concerns are laughing matter,
inside the catboat that sails aslant.
Come on… sing sailor, wind howl!
so that your brave stamina does not diminish;
swell out sails; salty water rise;
shake us mercilessly.
Shake us mercilessly, oh sonorous sea!
Smash our sorrows of love.

Translated by Salvador Pila: