Instant d'èxtasi

Estimar l’aigua
que riu i plora,
i, alhora,
la fresca molsa,
i la veu dolça
que sap cantar...
estimar l’aire
que s’esgarrinxa
per les alzines
de punxes fines...
és com resar.

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
From: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
Audio production: El cep i la nansa

Moment of Extasy

Loving the water
that laughs and cries
and, also,
fresh moss,
the sweet voice
that knows how to sing…
loving the air
rustling through
the knotted trees
with their fines prickles…
is like prayer.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes