

fez instamatic

guð dottar
yfir kanildúfunum

guð dottar
yfir skóm úr plasti
yfir glitrandi tvinnakeflum
yfir bleikum sælgætismolum

guð dottar
undir lúsugum hundsþófunum
undir mósaiklögðum borðum
undir svuntu slátrarans

guð dottar
með kanildúfunum

© Edda - Media and Publishing Ltd.
From: myrkar fígúrur
Reykjavík : Mal og Menning, 1998
Audio production: 2000 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

fez instamatic

god nods
over the cinnamon doves

god nods
over shoes of plastic
over glittering bobbins
over pink pieces of candy

god nods
under dog’s lice-ridden pads
under the mosaic surfaced tables
under the butcher’s apron

god nods
with the cinnamon doves

Translated by Bernard Scudder