u nekim nepočišćenim sobama
starog hotela Babilon
nema više ni plastičnih natikača ni jeftinih slika,
naprosto su ishlapile od nedodirivanja,
a noćne su lampe propale bez zvuka kroz tepih u mrak
i eto nigdje nikakav skoreni
ljudski trag na bilo čemu, zavjesama
samo mrtve muhe
i ustajala svjetlost na stropu
skupa zuje niski poluton.
dva debela konopca leže na podu
kao pozaspale, trudne zmije
i ne javljaju se
nikome na telefon.
nasred sobe sjedi sam
tzv. jaki čovjek s golemim bicepsima.
slaže pasijans, puši mljevenu
ptičju kugu sa aromom višnje.
tvrdi da ima sve blago ovog svijeta
ali nigdje ne stoji da je on bog
ni u osobnoj,
ni u vozačkoj ni u arhivi.
po cijele dane ništa ne radi
samo gricka slova iz vrećice s
instant juhom, umjesto televizora
el ninjŏ mu na prozor nanosi
uvijek nove kamikaze
diše na jednjak, psuje na jetru
iskašljava u strahu
male čavle i spajalice
briše prašinu, stvara prašinu
pjeva malu tužaljku
kada će ući Sobar
kada će me istući Dobar
oplijeniti i
zavezati za stolac

© Dorta Jagić
Audio production: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011


in some untidied rooms
of the old Babylon Hotel
there are no more plastic mules or cheap pictures,
theyve just evaporated from lack of touch,
and the night lights sunk without a sound through
the carpet into dark
and so nowhere any crusted
human trace on anything at all, curtains
only the dead flies
and the stagnant light upon the ceilin
together buzz a low semiton.
two thick ropes lie on the floor
like somnolent, gravid snakes
and answer no one on the telephone.
in the middle of the room, sitting alone
the so-called Strong man with vast biceps.
playing patience, smoking ground
bird plague with a scent of dark cherry.
he claims he has all the bounty of the world
but nowhere does it say that he is god
neither in his ID
or driving licence or in the files.
days at a time he does nothing
only nibbles letters from a bag
instant soup, instead of the television
el nino on his window casts
always new kamikazes
breathes on his gullet, curses in the liver
coughs out in fear
small nails amd clips
wipes the dust, the old dust
sings a little dirge
when shall the valet come in
when shall the Good beat
and plunder me and
bind me to the chair

Translation by Graham McMaster