Danijel Brcko



kroz oluke
gričke topove, viadukte
i kabanice vinule se molitve ocu
s taman dovoljno koljena
odapete pravo u treće nebo
i poslije najuže, četvrte strašne zime
kao jeka šiknuše, doletješe nam
u staro malo hrvatsko nebo
kao lav, golubovi, ribe lijepe
te trojstvene božje oči
te oči kao ljetni vlak za split
kao noćno sanjkanje, kao agavin
prsnuli život
ovdje je nebo lazar, izađi
lazar nebo je odvalilo kamen i izašlo
iz gliptoteke stolne crkve
odmotalo zavoje, iscjelilo svoju suhu
betlehemsku zvijezdu.
nisko pod njim božje su ruke
zadavile oblake krivnje
znaš koje one što su ih stare svinje
oprasile iu svraki, crnih kopčica saveza
s izidom i bebom koja ne raste
nit zna tko je taj ranjenik
taj moj čovjek psalam
sad napokon pjeva slobodan
ubrzano diše na božje oči
kao dijete što je netom istrčalo
iz otključanoga ormara
nema više naslijeđenog tereta predaka
pa u tri dana izrasta u sav dovoljan dom
meni i djeci, božjim riječima
što ih razmazuje po ulju, potoku
noću slika psalme u ateljeu,
imenuje voće i stvari
svake subote
snima dokumentarac o svojoj šetnji
edenskim vrtom i držanju za spasiteljevu
probodenu ruku
i kako mu tada iz usta
ispadaju i suše se na tlu sve one
plastične molitve svecima
u nanizanim zrnima
na napuhivanje i

© Dorta Jagić
Audio production: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011


down the
through the drainpipes
the cannons of grič, the viaducts
and the raincoats prayers soared to the Father
with just the right number of knees
discharged straight into the third heaven
and following the longest, fourth terrible winter
they gushed forth like a echo, came flying to us
into the little Croatian sky
like a lion, pigeons, fish
these Gods eyes of the Trinity
these eyes like a summer train to Split
like night sledging, like a cracked life
of an agava
here the sky is Lazarus, come out
the Lazar-sky has rolled away the stone and has come out
of the catedrals museum of sculpture
has unswathed the bandages, cured its dry
star of Bethlehem.
low underneath Gods hands
have strangled the clouds og guilt
you know which the ones that old pigs
have farrowed, from magpies, the little black clasps of the alliance
with Isis and a baby that neither grows
nor knows who that wounded man is
that man psalm of mine
now finally he sings freely
breathing rapidly through Gods eyes
liek a child who has just run out from
an ulocked closet
the ancestors inherited burden is gone
and in three-days time it grows into all the home
me and my children need, by virtue of Gods words
smeared on the oil, the brook
at night paints psalms in the atelier,
names fruit and things
every Saturday
films a documentary about his stroll
through the garden of Eden and his holding the Saviours
hand with a nail in it
and how all those
plastic prayers to the saints
are falling out of his mouth and drying on the ground
in a sring of grains
for inflating
and dying

Translated by Danijel Brcko