Nzvimbo dzemumabhuku

wese andaita mahwekwe naye
mubvunzo ndiwo mumwe chete:
kwakadini kwamanga mapota?

mhinduro ndinopa yepasi pemoyo:
kutaura zvese handingakwanisi
zvakapinda mumusoro zvinozadza dura

vose vanozoita kunge vapatika kuhope
vobvunza zvakare, uso vasunga:
gara zviya ndepiko kwawaiva?

handinonoki kudzora mhinduro:
ndaiveko kunyika yemutsindo
kumatunhu emuzinda weTimbouctou

vose vanokapaza misoro semabhuru
vopfipfidza vachinwa rukweza rwavo:
nzvimbo dzakadaro ndedzemumabhuku chete

ndinotsikitsira wangu musoro pasi
ndozvipodza hana nemashoko mumoyo:

© Chirikuré Chirikuré
Audio production: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Places found in fiction

every face encountered

the same question

about places I have been to

only the heart answers

the mouth is feeble, but

what is in the heart fills the granary

with dreamy faces, incredulity

they pose more questions of wonder

asking again about where I have journeyed

I answer promptly:

I was in the land of silent echoes

in the sands of the ancient Timbouctou

they shake their heads like bulls

laughing in mockery as they drink:

    such places are only of fiction

I bow my head

consoling my heart with soothing words:

    the blessing in the heart is mine

Translated from the Shona original by Chenjerai Hove