he conegut Puixkin assegut i de nit
quasi mort de dolor davant la seva taula
considerant la mort i la presó a Sibèria
dels seus amics tan fràgils com ell mateix

l'he conegut quan la veu el portava
sense remei sobre cap esperança
i només la puput el distreia
a la vista dels bosc que somiava lliure

l'he conegut quan creia que coneixia bé
aquell altre que va morir com ell
un dia qualsevol del 37 ara farà dos segles
i m'agrada pensar que respiraven junts

a cada extrem d'Europa
suportaven la desgràcia del geperut

© Margarita Ballester
From: Entre dues espases, 2004
Audio production: institut ramon llull


I have known Pushkin seated and at night
almost dying of pain at his table
considering the death and imprisonment in Siberia
of friends as fragile as he was

and I knew him when the voice took him
irremediably beyond any hope
with only the cuckoo to distract him
in sight of the woods that he dreamed free

and I have known him when I thought I knew well
the other one who died like him
some day in ’37 two centuries ago
and I like to think they breathed as one

at either edge of Europe
they were bearing the hunchback's disgrace.

Translated by Julie Wark