[I det inderste]

I det inderste af mine tanker
bakser bedøvede hænder
               kister ind i en vertikal nat,
et apparat måler angstens styrke,
               følger den hvide
stigende lysviltre kraft
løbe gennem blodkar i lungerne,
               helt ind til
mareridtets salte smag,
sådan går jeg fremad
som en fuld
               med et åndssvagt lykkeligt smil i fjæset,
det er
               ordenes små absencer,
deres indhold
               foldet ud til solstrålesmerte.

© Morten Søndergaard
From: Bier dør sovende
Copenhagen: Borgens Forlag, 1998
Audio production: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2008

[In my innermost]

In my innermost thoughts
numbed hands are labouring
               coffins into a vertical night,
a machine measures the strength of fear,
               follows the white,
rising, light-giddy force
as it runs through the lungs’ blood vessels
               right into
the salty taste of the nightmare,
that is how I proceed
like a drunkard
               with a mindless smile creasing my face,
it is
               the small absences,
their contents
               unfolded to sun-ray pain.

Translation: John Irons