Fabio Morábito 




[Si te revuelca la ola...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Para que se fuera la mosca...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Mi padre siempre trabajó en lo mismo...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Miramos largamente el mar...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Yo también estuve en un coro...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Se elige el agua...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Mudanza] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Los columpios] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Los árboles no son de madera] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

[Tengo un perro invisible...] spanish

Translations: de

to poem

Fabio Morábito 

* 21.02.1955, Alexandria, Egypt
lives in: Mexico City, Mexico

Fabio Morábito was born in Alexandria, Egypt, to Italian parents in 21. 02. 1955. He spent his childhood in Milan.

From the age of 15 he has lived in Mexico City where he has written — in Spanish — two books of poetry, Lotes baldíos (which won the 1995 ‘Carlos Pellicer Prize’) and De lunes todo el año (which won the ‘Aguascalientes National Prize for Poetry’ in 1991); a book of prose, a collection of stories, and two books of essays.

He has also written a book for children and has translated from his mother tongue — Italian — numerous stories, poetry, essays and childrens books.

In 1998 Fabio Morábito took part in a DAAD artists programme in Berlin. He wrote the story series “Tambíen Berlín se olvida“ about this experience.

  • Lotes baldíos [poetry]

    México: D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1984

  • El viaje y la enfermedad [essays]

    Unidad Iztapalapa: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 1984

  • Caja de herramientas (prose)

    Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989

  • La lenta furia [collection of stories]

    México : D.F. : Vuelta, 1989

  • De lunes todo el año [poetry]

    Mexico: Joaquín Mortiz, 1992

  • Los pastores sin ovejas [essays]

    México : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1995

  • Cuando las panteras no eran negras [a book for children]

    Madrid : Siruela, D.L., 1996

  • 1991 Aguascalientes National Prize for Poetry

  • 1995 Carlos Pellicer Prize