Arnau Pons 




[com l’esquinçall que s’omple] catalan

Translations: de en

to poem

[ni la bomba del goig] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[rep el mort del mort...] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[una mica de somnolència] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[exquisidesa amunt] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[amb reial eixorquia] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[trasplantament d’Orfeu en aquest braç...] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[a pler] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

[extirpació d’un abisme] catalan

Translations: de

to poem

Arnau Pons 

photo ©
* 30.11.1964, Felanitx / Mallorca, Spain
lives in: Barcelona, Spain

Arnau Pons (*1965 Felanitx / Mallorca) is a poet, translator, essayist, editor, and critic.

In 1991 he published his first volume of poems, about which he himself is now strongly critical.

Pons translated Paul Celan's „Atemkristall“ in 1995 and since 2001 has been dedicated to producing translations of Celan's lifework.

His poetry is experimental and rich, and is characterized by challenging the phonetic and semantic possibilities of language, almost crossing the boundaries into the inexpressible.

 photo ©
Arnau Pons lives in Barcelona.

  • Intromissió

    Barcelona: Empúries, 1991

  • A desclòs

    Barcelona: Negranit, 1996

  • Desertar

    Barcelona: Negranit, 1997; Palma de Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner, 2010

  • Tremolor d’ésser


  • Dessecament

    Barcelona: Negranit, 1997

  • vier nach. Katalanische Lyrik nach der Avantgarde

    Enric Casasses • Eduard Escoffet • Arnau Pons • Víctor Sunyol

    zweisprachig katalanisch/deutsch, Hrsg. und übertragen von Axel Sanjosé

    München: Lyrik Kabinett, 2007

  • Llum de ganivet

    Barcelona: Eumo Editorial, 2012
