Maia Tekses



Garai batean ibaia zen hemen
baldosak eta bankuak dauden tokian.
Dozena bat ibai baino gehiago daude hiriaren azpian,
zaharrenei kasu eginez gero.
Orain langile auzo bateko plaza besterik ez da.
Eta hiru makal dira ibaiak hor
azpian jarraitzen duen seinale bakar.

Denok dugu barruan uhola dakarren ibai estali bat.
Ez badira beldurrak, damuak dira.
Ez badira zalantzak, ezinak.

Mendebaleko haizeak astintzen ditu makalak.
Nekez egiten du oinez jendeak.
Laugarren pisuan emakume nagusi bat
leihotik arropak botatzen ari da:
alkandora beltza bota du eta gona kuadroduna
eta zetazko zapi horia eta galtzerdiak
eta herritik iritsi zen neguko egun hartan
soinean zeramatzan txarolezko zapata zuribeltzak.
Hegabera izoztuak ematen zuten bere oinek elurretan.

Haurrak arropen atzetik joan dira arineketan.
Ezkontzako soinekoa atera du azkenik,
makal batean pausatu da baldar,
txori pisuegi bat balitz bezala.

Zarata handi bat entzun da. Izutu egin dira oinezkoak.
Haizeak errotik atera du makaletako bat.
Zuhaitzaren erroek emakume nagusi baten eskua dirudite,
beste esku batek noiz laztanduko zain.

© Kirmen Uribe
Aus: Bitartean Heldu eskutik
Zarautz: Susa, 2001
Audioproduktion: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


It isn't every giant who is willing
and has the time to carry dwarves around.
But dwarves manage to find
the ability to carry around at least
parts of giants: here a dwarf
carries around a giant's liver —
you are sitting in my chopped liver
the giant is annoyed and resettles
the dwarf on his shoulders. Look how
a dwarf is carrying lungs and confusing
exhalation with inhalation, the giant
spits the dwarf out onto his shoulder.
And here is a dwarf posed like Atlas
carrying around the giant's heart, whispering:
the most important part is the ventricle,
the giant drags the dwarf out of his heart
into the light and sets him on his shoulders.
Dwarves are carrying around eyeballs,
nibbling at the sky reflected in them
they crawl into ear canals and steal
the sound of the ocean drop by drop,
they lie down in bones under the tongue,
just to mess with with the giant’s speech,
foregather as a team to carry around
the edifice of the giant’s brain,
trying to push the left hemisphere
and the right hemisphere together.
They all congregate on the giant’s shoulders,
they pat him on his back
the dwarves of the heart, the dwarves of his thoughts,
the dwarves of his speech, the dwarves of his breath —
it takes your breath away when from the height
of someone else’s shoulder, they sound off, sing and dance,
until now you too are dancing
to the harmonious ensemble of their deafening tunes.

Translated from Russian by Maia Tekses