Sprehod po Lipici ponoči

Šepetam, Herr, es ist Zeit.

Javor odgovarja s šelestom, pesek se drobi pod koraki.
Noč, delno oblačna, na zahodu ostanki zarje,
soj izpušnih plinov, meglica,
prhanje v konjušnici, konj v ogradi se prestopi,
prdne, kar odmeva v noč,
hotel je napol prazen, gosti spijo,
konji spijo stoje. Nekaj jih bedi,
šepetam, da se ne bi zbali neznanih korakov,
čas se je ustavil, ure so se sprijele v noč
brez mesečine, svetilk, nekaj svetlobe
prihaja od hotela, premalo, pogled mora seči skozi mrak,
oko se privadi, telo posluša. Med sencami
beli konji, najsvetlejša telesa poleg zvezd.
Čuti se hlad, vonj po konjskem gnoju,
jesen po poletju. Bršljan zajeda javor,
bori utirajo pot hrastu, hrast izpodriva bore,
življenje žre življenje, tako mora biti:

razumeti sosledje prehodov,
svoje mesto v njem, presega človeški delež. 

Naravnanost srca je vse, kar premoremo. 

Svet se oblikuje v odprtinah telesa,
pod streho vek prenočim vratarje neslutenih minut.

Belec v ogradi se ozre k meni,
naslonjena na deblo kostanja ostanem
tako celo večnost. Oblak nad nama
trosi spore spokojnosti. Niti samota se ne zdi
več neizbežna, žalost odpade, prehod je odprt, 
skozenj se pretaka nekaj trajnejšega od besed. 

© Veronika Dintinjana
Aus: Rumeno gori grm forzicij
Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2008
Audioproduktion: LUD Literatura, 2014

Walking in Lipica at night

I whisper, Herr, es ist Zeit.

The maple answers with a susurrus, gravel crunches under foot.
The night, partly cloudy; in the west remains of the sunset,
the glow of exhaust fumes, mist,
snorting in the stables, the horse in the enclosure steps sideways,
farts, which echoes in the night,
the hotel is half empty, the guests asleep,
the horses sleep standing up. Some are awake,
I whisper so they are not frightened by unknown footsteps,
time has stopped, the hours have amalgamated into night
with no moon, lamps, some light
comes from the hotel, not enough, the gaze has to pierce the dark,
the eye adjusts, the body listens. Among shadows
the white horses, brightest bodies apart from the stars.
You can feel the chill, the smell of horse dung,
the autumn after summer. Ivy feeds on the maple,
pines make way for oak, the oak ousts the pine
life devours life, it is as it should be:

to understand the sequence of passages,
your place in it, transcends the human part. 

The heart’s orientation is all we possess. 

The world takes shape in the body’s orifices,
under the roof of my eyelids I shelter doorkeepers of unsuspected minutes.

A white horse in the enclosure turns to me,
leaning against the trunk of the chestnut tree I remain
like this without end. The cloud above us
scatters spores of tranquility. Not even solitude
seems inevitable, sadness falls off, the passage is open,
                        something more enduring than words runs through it. 

Translated from Slovene by the author, Laura Solomon, Ciaran O’Driscoll and Rose Aasen Rojas.