Teresa Colom


Anna Crowe



la meva mare es preguntava per la mort
mentre esquarterava un pollastre
jo que no passava dels fogons li vaig dir
“sentiràs el mateix que ell”
ara tinc la seva edat
i m’inquieta tant el foc com la caixa
només quan penso com abans que m’eduquessin
trobo absurda la por de la clausura i de les flames

© Teresa Colom
Aus: La meva mare es preguntava per la mort
Lleida: Pagès, 2012
Audioproduktion: Catalunya Ràdio


My mother was wondering about death
while cutting a chicken into quarters
I was in a bad mood and replied
«you’ll feel exactly the same as the chicken»
now I am her age
and the fire worries me as much as the coffin
only when I think the way I did before they taught me
do I find it absurd to be afraid of being enclosed and the flames. 


Translated by Anna Crowe.