U tamnom prostoru,
iza zatvorenih vrata, daleko od očiju javnosti,
održava se kongres strahova.

Peščanik ima strah:
Niko me neće okrenuti.

Zid ima strah:
Zazidaće me, ostaću bez vrata i prozora.

Hodnik ima strah:
Niko nikada neće zaspati u meni.

Jezero ima strah:
Presušiću pa će svako gaziti po mom dnu.

Epidemija ima strah:
Ako umorim sve ljude, neću imati kuda da se širim.

Košulja ima strah:
Završiću kao potirača u kupatilu.

Svetionik ima strah:
Sviće! Plašim se, nikada neće omrknuti.

Lopta ima strah:
Probušiću se i moja rupa biće važnija od mene.

Led ima strah:
Postaću opet ono što sam bio, a potom
ko zna na koju ću stranu

Cipela ima strah:
Nekome biću velika, Nekome mala.

I svaki od strahova potvrđuje:
Ja nisam najveći od svih strahova.
Ovo je gubljenje vremena

© Enes Halilović
Aus: Zidovi
Beograd: Albatros plus, 2014
Audioproduktion: Serbian PEN Centre 2018


In a dark space,

behind the closed door, far from the public eye,

a congress of fears is taking place.

A sandglass has a fear:

No one will invert me.

A wall has a fear:

They will wall me in, I’ll be without doors and windows.

A corridor has a fear:

No one will ever fall asleep in me.

A lake has a fear:

I will dry out and everybody will walk over my bottom.

An epidemic has a fear:

If I kill all the people, I wouldn’t be able to spread.

A shirt has a fear:

I will end up as a mat in a bathroom.

A light house has a fear:

It’s dawning! I’m afraid, it will never get dark.

A ball has a fear:

I’ll be perforated and my hole will be more important than me.

An ice has a fear:

I will became again what I used to be, and then

who knows where will I end up.

A shoe has a fear:

I’ll be too big for somebody, I’ll be too small for somebody.

And each of the fears confirms:

I’m the biggest of all fears.

This is a waste of time.

Translated by Danijela Jovanović