Ah velha sebenta
em que escrevia as minhas composições de Francês
“Mes Vacances”: gostei muito das férias
je suis allée à la plage (com dois ee,
o verbo ètre pede concordância), j’ai beaucoup
nagé e depois terminava com o sol a pôr-se
no mar e ia ver gaivotas ao dicionário

As correcções a vermelho e o Passé Simple,
escrever cem vezes nous fûmes vous fûtes ils fúrent
as tardes de sol
e Madame Denise que dizia Toi ma petite
com ar de sargento e a cara zangada a fazer-se
vermelha (tenho glóbulos a mais, faites attention)
e o olhar que desmentia tudo
em ternura remplit

E as regras decoradas e as terminações
verbais a i s, a i s, a i t,
a hora de estudo extra e o sol de fim de tarde
a filtrar-se pelas carteiras,
a freira a vigiar distraída em salmos
eu a sonhar de livro aberto
once upon a time there was a little boy
e as equações de terceiro grau a uma

Ah tardes claras em que era bom
ser boa, não era o santinho nem o rebuçado
era a palavra doce a afagar-me por dentro,
as batas todas brancas salpicadas de gouache
colorido e o cinto azul que eu trazia sempre largo
assim a cair de lado à espadachim

As escadas de madeira rangentes
ao compasso dos passos, sentidas ainda
à distância de vinte anos,
todas nós em submissa fila a responder à chamada,
“Presente” parecia-me então lógico e certo
como assistir à oração na capela e ler as Epístolas
(De São Paulo aos Coríntios:
Naquele tempo...),
tem uma voz bonita e lê tão bem, e depois
mandavam-me apertar o cinto para ficar
mais composta em cima do banquinho,
à direita do padre

E o fascínio das confissões,
as vozes sussurradas na fina teia de madeira
castanha a esconder uma falta,
o cheiro do chão encerado e da cera das velas
e quando deixei de acreditar em pecados
e comecei a achar que as palavras não prestam
e que era inútil
inútil a teia de madeira

Ah noites de insónia à distância de vinte anos,
once upon a time there was a little boy
and he went up on a journey
there was a little girl, une petite fille
e o passé simple, como parecia simples o passado

Au clair de la lune
mon ami Pierrot
Prête-moi ta plume
pour écrire un mot

Escrever uma palavra
uma só
ao luar
a pedir concordância como uma carícia
Elles sont parties,
les mouettes

© Ana Luisa Amaral
Aus: Minha Senhora de Quê
Audioproduktion: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2008


Ah, the old exercise book

in which I wrote my French compositions

‘Mes Vacances’: I enjoyed my holiday very much

je suis allée (with two e’s,

because the verb être requires agreement) à la plage,

j’ai beaucoup nagé and then I concluded with the sun setting

over the sea and me looking up the word ‘seagulls’ in the dictionary

The corrections in red and the Passé Simple,

write out a hundred times nous fûme vous fûtes ils fûrent

the sunny afternoons

and Madame Denise who said Toi ma petite

looking like a sergeant-major, her angry face turning

bright red (I have high blood pressure, you know, so faites attention)

and her eyes that gave the lie to everything

remplit with tenderness.

And the rules learned by heart and the endings

of the verbs ais, ais, ait

the extra study hour and the late afternoon sun

filtering in among the desks,

a nun keeping distracted watch, her head full of psalms

me dreaming over an open book

once upon a time there was a little boy

and the cubic equations in one


Ah, bright afternoons when it was good

to be good, it wasn’t the picture of the saint or the sweet I was eating

it was the sweet word warm inside me,

the white smocks spattered with colored paint

and the blue sash I always wore too long

worn slightly on one side like a swordsman

The wooden stairs creaking

in time to our footsteps, a sound I can still hear

twenty years on,

we girls in one submissive line responding to the call,

“Here” seemed to me then logical and right

like attending prayers in the chapel and reading the Epistles

(from St Paul to the Corinthians:

At that time…)

you have a lovely voice and you read so well, and then

they told me to tighten my sash so that I would look

more composed standing on the stool

to the right of the priest

And the fascination of confession,

the voices whispering through the fine wooden mesh

the chestnut wood concealing our faults,

the smell of the waxed floor and the wax from the candles

and when I stopped believing in sins

and began to think that words were no use

and that it was useless

quite useless the wooden mesh

Ah, the sleepless nights twenty years on,

once upon a time there was a little boy

and he went on a journey

there was a little girl, une petite fille

and the Passé Simple, how simple the past seemed then

Au clair de la lune

mon ami Pierrot

Prête-moi ta plume

pour écrire un mot

Writing a word

just one

in the moonlight

like a caress requiring agreement

Elles sont parties,

les mouettes

From: Ana Luísa Amaral: The Art of Being a Tiger. Selected Poems.
Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa. Dartmouth: Tagus Press, 2018