Akordi I

Primi zavržene drsalke in zadrsaj se
čez poledenele pločnike.

Na nož nabrušene zareži v ploskev
in naj sta nogi z drsalkami eno.

Oddrsaj hitro, sam, kot da bi šlo za
tekmovanje, ne oziraj se na klice: »Kam drsi?«.

Dobro je tako drsati, brez omejitev
pod drsalkami ti je vse dovoljeno.

Edini drsalec tu spodaj si, ne vidiš niti
lis in senc ki jih mečejo drsalke.

Zdrsiš med mestne luči
imaš ravnotežje
ne prevrneš se na hrbet.

Drsalke puščajo ostro sled črt
na leskeči ploskvi pod njimi so rezi.

Vzemi torej zaprašen par in oddrsaj  
v drsečo snov, tam se boš počutil celega.

Drsaj sam in pod tabo se bo led
spremenil v živo tekočino.

Ne govori ljudem o svojem drsanju.
Drsaj, kot da ne bi drsal sam.

© Primož Čučnik
Aus: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2004
Audioproduktion: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords I

Pick up castaway skates and glide
across frozen pavements.

Point-blank honed, cut into the surface
and let the legs with the skates be one.

Skate away quickly, alone, as though it were a race,
pay no attention to shouts: “Where is he skating?”

It’s good to skate this way, no bounds
under skates everything is allowed.

You’re the lone skater down here, you see
neither marks nor shadows the skates cast.

You glide among the city lights,
you hold your balance,
you don’t fall over backwards.

The skates leave a sharp trace of lines,
grooves in the shimmering surface under them.

So, take a dusty old pair and skate away
into a skidding substance, there you’ll feel whole.

Skate by yourself and under you, ice will turn
to a quickened liquid.

Don’t tell people about your skating.
Skate as though you weren’t skating alone.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin