Şair der ki:
- Usta sözü mü olur
senin çeliğe verdiğin suyun yanında
benim kelimelere verdiğimin?

Usta der ki:
- Şair, çelik de kelimelere benzer
harlı tutarsan ateşini
hem ruhu eritir hem bedeni...

© Refik Durbas
Aus: Nereye Uçar Gökyüzü (Toplu Şiirler II)
Adam yayınları, 1998
Audioproduktion: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

A Poem for the Master who quenches steel with water

The Poet says:
Who can compare what I give to words
with a Master who quenches
the thirst of steel
with water?

The Steel Master answers:
My dear Poet
steel is like words.
If you keep the fire burning at fever pitch,
it can melt both the spirit and the body

Translation by Alice Melike Ülgezer and Özlem Özmetin