Eduard Escoffet


Graham Thomson


hi ha la dona

hi ha la dona que t'escolta i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona que, amb la nit, esmussa la lluna i te la trobes, i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona que veus
i l'altra. i la que voldries veure…i l'altra.
hi ha la dona, et sembla recordar, que et va fer perdre
el món de vista i hi ha l'altra. també
hi ha la dona que te la fa oblidar i l'altra, que també.
hi ha la dona i el vent, a lloure, que són parla
i són paraules i un somni que camina. i fuig. i l'altra.
hi ha la dona que voldries conèixer i l'altra.
hi ha l'altra i la dona que no recordes.
hi ha la dona i l'altra que voldries
oblidar. hi ha la dona sense ulls, que són
les bótes de vi de la fosca d'un veler que
ha acabat amb el mar i t'ha dit que de sirenes
no n'ha vist. l'altra tampoc. i hi ha la dona
que cridarà que no ha tocat el foc,
que duia els ulls tapats i hi ha l'altra,
a qui has tapat els ulls, i també estàs tu
amb els ulls arrencats de socarrel entre el mirall
i la llum del sol. hi ha la dona que remuga
i hi ha l'altra. hi ha la dona que estén la roba
o bé disposa la fragilitat del món i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona, feta carn, que és en la llum i és en la fosca
i hi ha l'altra, en la fosca i en la llum.
hi ha la dona i el sexe. també, el sexe. i l'altra.


© Eduard Escoffet
Aus: unveröffentlicht
Audioproduktion: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


there is the woman that listens to you and there is the other.
there is the woman that, with the night, dulls the moon and you find her, and there is the other.
there is the woman that you see
and the other. and the one you would like to see… and the other.
there is the woman, you seem to remember, that made you lose
sight of the world and there is the other. then too
there is the woman that makes you forget her and the other, she does too.
there is the woman and the wind, at leisure, that are speech
and are words and a dream that walks. and flies. and the other.

there is the woman that you would like to know and the other.
there is the other and the woman you do not remember.
there is the woman and the other that you would like
to forget. there is the woman without eyes, that are
the barrels of wine in the dark of a sailboat that
has done with the sea and has told you that mermaids
she has not seen. the other neither. and there is the woman
that will cry that she has not touched the fire,
that has her eyes covered and there is the other,
whose eyes you have covered, and you too have
your eyes pulled from their sockets between the mirror
and the light of the sun.

there is the woman that mutters
and there is the other. there is the woman that hangs out the washing
or arranges the fragility of the world and there is the other.
there is the woman, made flesh, that is in the light and is in the dark
and there is the other, in the dark and in the light.
there is the woman and the sex. the sex, too. and the other.

Translated by Graham Thomson