ratschläge für einen literaten

in wien fall hin
nach berlin kannst ziehn
nach bogota alser toter
faulenz in florenz
in prag tag
in paris an gstiess
in rom
such den stefansdom
in den abruzzen
kauf stuzzen
lieb in leoben
fozen in bozen
hab an lebenswandel
im alpenlandl
und dicht
überhaupt nicht

© Elfriede Gerstl
Aus: Vor der Ankunft
Wien: edition freibord, 1986

advice for a writer

fall down in cape town
in berlin find your twin
to pamplona as a goner
be lazy in saint-benin-d'azy*
in prague rather vague
in paris embarrass**
in rome look for the stephansdom***
with gusto to abbruzzo
at peace in nice
frozen in bozen
live spunky
in the alpine country
and let go
of all your letters

*-azy as in saint-benin-d’azy
(pronounced english)

** play heiress in paris
*** fill rome with foam


in malibu be lazy too
in chengdu be lazy too
celebrate laziness in inverness
celebrate laziness in los angeles
be dull in hull
stay urban in durban
in malibu be idle too
be idle in heidelberg
be lazy too in chengzhou
in reading do nothing

Translation: Judith Nika Pfeifer