Zeina Issa


منتصف الليل

صرخاتٌ مُبْهَمَةٌ تعبرُ من ثُقبِ البابِ. هناك ظلالٌ لجنودٍ ببنادقَ فوق جدارٍ زيتونيٍّ. في مُنْتَصَفِ الليل أتى الحارس،ُ نادى بضعةَ أَسماءٍ. كانوا يرتجفونَ من الخوفِ. وقال "تعالوا".

كان الشابُّ يُفَكِّر ُفي أُمِّهِ "أين حذائي؟ قالَ الشرطيُّ "بلا أَحذيةٍ، أَسْرِع". ومضوا. خفتت أَصواتُ الليلِ أَخيرا. ثم سمعنا عشرَ رصاصاتٍ في الظُلمةِ. إذّاك نهضتُ بصمتٍ ولبستُ حذاءَه للذكرى.

© Fadhil Al-Azzawi
Audioproduktion: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


Incomprehensible screams were passing through the door’s key hole. There were shadows of soldiers with rifles on an olive coloured wall. At midnight the guard came, he called out a few names. They were shivering out of fear. He said “Come”.

The young man was thinking about his mother “Where is my shoe?”
The policeman said “No shoes, hurry up”. They left. The voices of the night finally fizzled. Then we heard ten bullets in the darkness. That’s when I silently got up and wore his shoes, for memory’s sake.

Translated by Zeina Issa