Ljiljana Petrović 

auf Lyrikline: 4 Gedichte übersetzt

aus: englisch nach: serbisch



The Snowy Owl

englisch | Matthew Sweeney

Over the heads of the firing squad
flew a snowy owl, who oohooed  twice
just before they pulled their triggers
and as the woman slumped on her ropes,
blood splattering her white dress,
the owl landed on her shoulder,
oohooed again, and swivelled its big-
eyed gaze over all the uniformed men,
one of whom raised his rifle
but the captain knocked it away
while the owl pecked at some blood
on the woman’s breast, smearing
its own breast feathers, then glared,
it seemed, at the transfixed men,
before swooping off, barely missing
the head of one, making them all
turn to watch it glide away, and hear
one more oohoo echo through the sky.

© Matthew Sweeney
aus: unpublished
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



Nad glavama streljačkog voda zalepršala je
polarna sova, dvaput huknuvši pre nego
što će vojnici otvoriti vatru,
a kada se žena stropoštala preko konopaca,
i kada je krv šiknula na njenu belu haljinu,
sova joj je sletela na rame,
još jednom huknula, i počela da kruži
buljavim pogledom po uniformisanim ljudima,
na šta je jedan od njih podigao pušku,
ali ju je kapetan samo ćutke odgurnuo,
dok je sova nastavljala da kljuje
ženina nedra, natapajući svoje perje
njenom krvlju, a onda je još jednom
prostrelila pogledom paralizovane ljude
i vinula se naviše, gotovo okrznuvši
glavu jednog od njih i nateravši ih
da je isprate pogledom, slušajući
turobni huk koji se prolamao nebom.

Prevod na srpski jezik Ljiljana Petrović


englisch | Matthew Sweeney

Take off your shoes, he said,
   and hurl them into the sea.
Take off that satin shirt
   and hand it to me,
and it had better fit, he said,
   or you’re fucking dead.
Take off those grey cords
   and hope you’re my size.
Take off the underpants
   and pull them over your eyes,
and blind, take off each sock
   while waggling your cock,
ignoring the laughs I gift you
   in this ghastly hour –
for you, that is, he said
   before laughing some more
and slapping me on the rump
   commanding me to jump,
Higher! Higher! he shouted
   and I heard a gun click
as sweat bubbled out of me
   and I began to get sick.
Stop that or I fucking shoot!
   You disgusting brute!
He kicked me in the balls
   till I doubled up.
Stand up straight! he roared.
   You contemptuous pup!
And he hit me on the head
   with the gun till I bled.
More mess! he bellowed.
   You’re worse than a pig.
Then he handed me a spade
   and ordered me to dig.

© Matthew Sweeney
aus: unpublished
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



Kaže, skini cipele svoje
i baci ih u more.
I te pantalone skini,
al’ bolje da mi dobro stoje
jer ako nisu k’o salivene
mozak ću da ti prospem, krele.
Skini tu košulju satensku
da budem gospodin pravi,
a onda i gaće svuci
i preko očiju ih stavi,
pa tako ćorav čarape izuj
i djoletom landaraj
da uveličaš prizor.
A smeh moj nek’ te ne buni,
to je moj poklon za tebe,
da u ovom jezivom času
dušu ti još malo zagrebe.
Šta gledaš, brže, brže!
urlikom strašnim riče,
pa me po zadnjici šljepnu,
Hajde sad, macane, skači!
Višlje, još višlje! viče.
A onda čuh kako
oroz kraj glave mi klikće
i znoj me hladan obli
i mlaz iz usta mi krenu.
Stani! Hej, prestani s time,
prestani odmah, il’ pucam,
ogavni kretenu!
Čizma njegova tada
ka meni naglo podje,
bol mi kroz mošnice sevnu
i ja padoh na zemlju.
Odmah da si se dig’o!
urla on iz sveg glasa
i već sledećeg časa
kundakom po glavi me bije.
Krv počinje da štrca,
krv na sve strane lije.
E, baš si krmak pravi,
da znaš da je sramota!
A onda mi lopatu daje
da raku sebi iskopam.

Prevod na srpski jezik Ljiljana Petrović

In the dust

englisch | Matthew Sweeney

And then in the dust he drew a face,
the face of a woman, and he asked
the man drinking whiskey beside him
if he’d ever seen her, or knew who she was,
all the time staring down at her, as if
this would make her whole. And then,
at the shake of the head, he let his boot
dissolve her into a settling cloud.
He threw another plank on the fire,
drained his glass and filled it again,
watching his dog rise to its feet
and start to growl at the dirt-road
that stretched, empty, to a hilly horizon.
A shiver coincided with the dog’s first bark,
that doubled, trebled, became gunfire
that stopped nothing coming, so he stood
to confront it, but not even a wind
brushed his face, no shape formed,
and after the dog went quiet, a hand
helped him sit down and rejoin his glass.

© Matthew Sweeney & Jonathan Cape
aus: Sanctuary
London: Jonathan Cape, 2004
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



A onda u prašini nacrta jedno lice,
lice žene, i upita čoveka
koji je pio viski pored njega
da li ju je nekada video i zna li ko je ona,
ne skrećući pogled sa nje, kao da će time
upotpuniti njen lik. Ali čovek samo
odmahnu glavom, a on spusti čizmu i
rasprši sliku u oblak prašine.
Bacio je još jednu dasku u vatru,
eksirao piće i  dopunio čašu,
posmatrajući kako se njegov pas pridiže
i počinje da laje na prazan prljavi drum
koji se pružao ka brežuljkastom horizontu.
Drhtaj mu prodje telom dok je lavež psa postajao
sve snažniji, pretvarajući se u rafal koji je
trebalo da zaustavi to ništa koje im se primicalo,
i on ustade da se suoči s njim, ali mu čak ni vetar
ne pomilova lice, ništa se ne ukaza u praznini,
a kada se pas utišao, jedna ruka se ispruži ka njemu,
pomogavši mu da sedne i da se ponovo lati pića.

Prevod na srpski jezik Ljiljana Petrović


englisch | Matthew Sweeney

Imagine a rain of hair
from all the barber shops in China
falling on the world.
Imagine the first clumps dropping
softly on your face.
Reach up and rub some
between your fingers.
But soon the ground is covered
and hair keeps falling –
and among the loose hair
pigtails, ponytails, wigs.
And now blond northern hair
has joined the black and brown.
Dog hair, too, wool even,
and you’re brushing it into piles
but burnt, it stinks to heaven.
Buried, it comes back out
or that’s what it looks like
when more covers the graves.
And now you’re swallowing some
and it’s snarling your guts,
and your eyes are stinging
and it’s filling up your nose,
so grab a few handfuls,
better still, cut your own off,
braid it into a rope and strangle
yourself. Then lie there
till the hair dissolves your corpse.

© Matthew Sweeney & Jonathan Cape
aus: Sanctuary
London : Jonathan Cape, 2004
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



Zamislite kišu kose
iz svih kineskih berbernica
kako zasipa svet.
Zamislite kako prve gužvice kose
nežno padaju na vaše lice.
Podignite ruku i protrljajte
pregršt dlaka medju prstima.
Ali, zemlja ubrzo postaje prekrivena,
a kosa i dalje pada –
svi ti pramenovi kose, zajedno sa
kikama, konjskim repovima, perikama.
A sada se i plava severnjačka kosa
pridružila crnoj i smedjoj.
Tu je i pseća dlaka, pa čak i vuna,
i vi sve to zgrćete na gomile, ali
kada ih zapalite, smrad se diže do neba.
Ako je zakopate, ona ponovo izranja
ili se bar tako čini kada
još kose prekrije grobove.
Sada već počinjete da je gutate
i ona vam se zapliće u creva,
oči vas peku od nadraženosti,
nos vam je zapušen dlakama,
i najbolje što možete da uradite
je da zgrabite malo te kose, ili da
odsečete svoju, pa da ispletete kanap
i obesite se. I da onda tako ležite
dok vam leš ne istrune pod njom.

Prevod na srpski jezik Ljiljana Petrović