Frank Perry 

auf Lyrikline: 4 Gedichte übersetzt

aus: schwedisch nach: englisch



III[1]:2 to release hostages special troops used gas

schwedisch | Marie Silkeberg

ser hans ansikte alldeles allvarligt stilla de mörka ögonen morgonen

jag rörde vid honom som för att inpränta hans kropp i fingrarna, händerna don’t be sad marie. you come and you go


mindes hans blick på sin kropp när jag strök honom över bröstkorgen. reaktionen. hans nakna  bröstvårta. den sista morgonen. much too much of everything. i främlingsskap. avsky

© Marie Silkeberg

III[1]:2 to release hostages special troops used gas


seeing his face quite gravely still the dark eyes the morning

touched him as if to imprint his body on my fingers, hands don’t be sad marie. you come and you go


remembered his eyes watching his body as i was stroking him across the chest. the reaction. his bare nipple. the last morning. much too much of everything. in estrangement. repulsion

Translated by Frank Perry

III[3]:1 authorities said it was a brilliant operation (first the number of victims were 67)

schwedisch | Marie Silkeberg

måsarna i det mörka vattnet. natten. dimman över saltsjön. ett underligt nästan kattliknande läte

så helt utan löften. ett nu så helt utan löften. minusvärdets kraft. att dra undan slöjan. eller grät han  också? the promise without a promise. what is it?

© Marie Silkeberg

III[3]:1 authorities said it was a brilliant operation (first the number of victims were 67)


gulls in dark water. the night. the mist over the salt lake. a strange almost cat-like sound

so entirely without promises. a present so entirely without promises. the power of the minus value. to tear away the veil. or did he cry too? the promise without a promise. what is it?

Translated by Frank Perry

III[2]:1 what gas they don’t want to tell

schwedisch | Marie Silkeberg

en ensam svart herrsko kör förbi på bagagebandet. några lådor. grå. tomma eller fulla. rädsla.
fattigdomens utsatthet. känslan av katastrof. sammanbrott. en förståelse som kommer för sent. ett
djur hellre. en reva som blir för djup. att se världen från två håll. att bära skillnad. spänning. som
slutar i katastrof. eller täcks av en katastrof. jag har ont. i varje rörelse. ord. skillnad eller
främlingsskap. without end. and without mercy. sound and fury of history. and the sense of
powerlessness. you are not a foreigner to me. ankomsthallar. automatiska dörrar. ljud. en
helhetsupplevelse. frekvensband. många antenner. tv:s själva nervsystem. biljud. det här utsatta
läget. serier. ingångar. huggen mot halsen. i strupen. små och stora nationer. värdesystem. en
ensam svart herrsko kör förbi på bagagebandet. jag skulle kunna gråta. av anspänningen. skon
fortsätter att köra. lådorna. tystnaden i natten. jag försökte skära i den. hörde han mig? flykting-
länder. sov han? små nationer med höga murar. jordglober på borden. klockor. projektioner av 
klockor på väggarna. utländska kvinnor. berusade män. transithallar. glostrup. här föddes jag
alltså. my native country. eller med statens handlingar. rätten att försvara sig. imperativet. bron i
horisonten. de anede ikke hvad det var der ramte dem. ockuperat område. det er som efterårs-
stormen. han bare er der. lågländer. platta horisonter. förseningar. helgon. eller odjur. för


felaktiga handlingar. blåljusen i marken. reducera. minska. exakta sekvenser. glömskan. upplysta
tågvagnar på bangården. det trånga rummet. tvkanaler. platåer. riktningar i rummet. kubkänslan.
rätta proportioner. eller proportioner överhuvudtaget. orden. deras bakgrund. ett dunkelt rum.
dunkel resa. svensk-danska gränsen. jeg tænker på om vi ikke bare skal prøve på at gøre det igen
idag. bron i horisonten. den höga siluetten. att ändra rörelsen. materialutmattning. the eyes
weakness. lufthavn. sikkerhedszone. zakajev deltog i en exiltjetjensk kongress i köpenhamn. detta
möte, mitt under pågående gisslandrama i moskva, har retat upp rysslands ledning. zakajev sitter
nu häktad i 13 dagar, vilket ger de danska myndigheterna och regeringen visst rådrum. rälsen.
sveket. i nationella termer. you aren’t better. western union. gult och svart. does the world ever
happen to you. exchange. pengar. fara. att ha lämnat. att kunna lämna. att vara utestängd. rättvisa.
nydragna gränser. visumhantering. history now

© Marie Silkeberg

III[2]:1 what gas they don’t want to tell


a single man's black shoe slides past on the luggage belt. some boxes. grey. full or empty. fear. the exposure of poverty. the sense of catastrophe. collapse. an understanding that comes too late. an animal rather. a rent that goes too deep. to see the world from two angles. to bear difference. tension. that ends in catastrophe. or is covered up by catastrophe. i am in pain. in every movement. word. difference or estrangement. without end. and without mercy. sound and fury of history. and the sense of powerlessness. you are not a foreigner to me. arrival halls, automatic doors. sounds. a total experience. frequency bands. many antennas. the very nervous system of television. side sounds. this exposed situation. series. entrances. the blows to the throat. in the throat. small and large nations. value systems. a single man's black shoe slides past on the luggage belt. i could cry. from the strain. the shoe continues on its way. the boxes. the silence in the night. i tried to cut into it. could he hear me? refugee countries. was he sleeping? small nations with high walls. globes on the tables. clocks. projections of clocks on the walls. foreign women. drunken men. transit halls. glostrup. so this is where I was born. my native country. or through the state's actions. the right to defend oneself. the imperative. the bridge in the horizon. they had no idea what hit them. occupied territory. it's like the autumn storm. he is just there. lowlands. flat horizons. delays. saint or beast. for


incorrect actions. the blue lights in the ground. reduce. diminish. exact sequences. oblivion. lit-up train carriages in the shunting yard. the cramped space. tv-channels. plateaus. directions in space. the cube feeling. correct proportions. or proportions at all. the words. their backgrounds. a dark room. dark journey. the swedish-danish border. i wonder if we shouldn't just try to do it again today. the bridge in the horizon. the tall silhouette. to alter the movement. material exhaustion. the eyes' weakness. airport. security zone. zakayev took part in a congress for exile chechens in copenhagen. this meeting in the midst of the ongoing hostage crisis in moscow has got the russian leadership agitated. zakayev has now been detained for 13 days. which has provided the danish authorities and government with a degree of respite. the rails. the betrayal. in national terms. you aren't better. western union. black and yellow. does the world ever happen to you. exchange. money. danger. to have left. to be able to leave. to be excluded. justice. newly revised boundaries. visa management. history now

Translated by Frank Perry

III[1]:1 news - there are still people in the hospitals

schwedisch | Marie Silkeberg

han knyter min sjal, min yngsta son, virar den flera varv runt sig själv och mig. vägrar sova om jag  inte låter honom göra det. börjar gråta varje gång jag lämnar rummet. skriver jag. när han äntligen  somnat är nyheterna över

såg upplösningen av gisslandramat på en film långt senare. bilderna av de döda terroristerna. i  svart. ihjälgasade. filmen visade en tv och dess åskådare i kronstadt. grozny. ingusjien. jag tänkte  på uttrycket att jag ville bli verklig. på barnens fötter. händer. sovande kroppar. ansikten. mamman  i den tomma lägenheten i grozny. när barnen åkt. den äldsta femåriga flickan grät invid hennes  kropp. matade henne med brödet. mamman var för sjuk för att äta. ta hand om barnen. fick inget  pass. lämnades i den kalla lägenheten. utbombade hus. rader av svarta fönsterhålor

© Marie Silkeberg

III[1]:1 news - there are still people in the hospitals


he ties my shawl, my youngest son, winding it in many layers around himself and me. refuses to  go to sleep unless i let him. starts crying every time i leave the room. i write. by the time he finally  gets to sleep the news is over

saw the resolution of the hostage crisis in a film much later. the pictures of the dead terrorists. in black. gassed. the film showed a tv and the people watching it in kronstadt. grozny. ingushetia. i thought about the phrase i wanted to become real. about the children's feet. hands. sleeping bodies. faces. the mother in the empty flat in grozny. when the children had gone. the oldest five-year-old girl was crying beside her body. feeding her bread. the mother was too ill to eat. to look after the children. was refused a passport. left in the cold flat. bombed out houses. rows of empty black window-frames

Translated by Frank Perry