Kasper Salonen 

on Lyrikline: 7 poems translated

from: السامي الشمالى, الفنلندية to: الانجليزية




السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

fišš fasti! guolggat!
bargga jo

áinnas gieđavuliid
dieđus julggiidge
ja die dieppe maid
ii oktage hálit guolggaid njálbmái!

galgá leat šallat
linis, livttis

jeagadat gilvvu oarjemáilmmi media
jegolaččat  ligget sohkkara
darvehat guolggaid sohkarspábbii
mirkkovuoiddasge buorre
muh buoremus laser
eai šat oppa šattage!

ávdugas eallin go
albmát ráhkistit
iežaset litna, álás
guolggahis eŋgeliiddiset

dušše moai
basuhetne iežame miestagiid
čurvvošeimme jus jolggadivččiime
elloset guolggat!

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019

against the grain


eww, all these disgusting hairs!
pull them out from the roots!

at least the armpits
and legs
pubic hair too
no one wants them in their mouth!

a woman
must be smooth
soft satin

the western media teaches us:
heat the sugar
rip against the grain
poison creams work too
but a laser is best
they'll grow no more!

it's blissful when
men can love
their soft and naked
hairless angels

but we
secretly bless our bushes
we'd shout if we could
long live our hairy bodies!

Translation from Finnish by Kasper Salonen


السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

raban vearráha
rišahan geahppa ilu
návddašan addálas eallimis

lean ollásit du
dalle go lean duinna
muhto dušše dalle

lean maid su
ja su ja su ja su ja su
ja de lean fas du

ollásit ja oppalaččat
aiddo dalle go lean
das ja dalle ráhkistan

lean jorri bearal
inge divtte ovttage šat
čugget árppu iežan čađa

njukčaáiggit leat meattá
girddašan ja skavvehalan
vilddáskan guolbbavirožin

lean ollásit du
dalle go lean duinna
dušše fal dalle

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019



I open the hatches and
sprinkle gentle joy
I relish my generous life

I am completely yours
when I'm with you
but only then

I am completely his
and his and his and his
and then yours again

completely and totally
at that very moment
I love, there and then

I am a rolling pearl
no one will ever thread
a string through me again

my swan days are done
I fly and glide
a restless stint

I am completely yours
when I'm with you
but only then

Translation from Finnish by Kasper Salonen


السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

moson jus oktii
buot mu albmát
čoahkkanivčče mu lusa
maiddái dat
geat leat jo jápmán

iđđes dakkárin
go ledje nuorran
eahkedis dakkárin
go leat dál
dahje livčče
jus ealášedje

maid dajašedje?
maid dagašedje?
maid mun?
geat vel
háliidivčče muinna?
geainna mun?

mo dat geaiguin anašin
dušše danin go ledjen oktonas
dahje go in lean
fidnen guhkes áigái?
naba dat geaid
duođai ráhkistin?

dovdduid siepmanat
albmáid siepmanat
čuođi geardde seahkanan
čuođi geardde nohkan
čuohte gova seđđon
čuohte albmá nulppagan

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019



hundred (translated by K.S)     

what if all my men
were to gather around me
at the same time,
the dead ones too,

young in the morning,
in the evening just as they are
or would be
if they lived

what would they say or do?
what would I?
who would want me?
who would I?

and what about the ones I bedded
in my loneliness
or my horniness?
the ones I really loved?

the seeds of feelings, of men
clouded a hundred times
mixed a hundred times,
a hundred who dropped their antlers

hundred (translated by Ima)

what if once
all my men
would gather in my house
at the same time
also those
who have passed away

in the morning
as they were, when young
in the evening
as they are now
or would be
if still alive

what would they say?
what would they do?
and me?
who would still
want me?
whom, I?

what about those with whom I fucked
only because I was lonely
or hadn’t had anybody
for a long time?
what about those
I really loved?

the seeds of emotions
the seeds of men
a hundred times mixed
a hundred times ended
a hundred pictures faded
a hundred men who lost their antlers

translations into English by Inger-Mari Aikio and from Finnish into English by Kasper Salonen


السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

iđitviđá livččii vuogas
muh guossit boahtimin

ferte doapmalit
bassat láhttiid

basaldat gieđas

oh jus dál de boađášit

duhppen láibedáiggi
gievkkanbeavddi alde

heivešii ovdal go
botkalan jáffuid

álo mielas
don ja du

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019



in the morning I'm horny
but there are guests on the way

I have to vacuum
wash the floors

I squat low
cloth in hand

I wish you'd come
from behind

I knead the bread dough
on the kitchen table

I wish you'd come here too,
before I spread the flour

you and yours
always on my mind

translation into English from Finnish by Kasper Salonen


السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

bassi riekkis
šealgá oaivvi alde
buorre eamit
gutnálaš nisu

leamašan oskkáldas
oppa dan áiggi
go leamašan duinna
in oppa cummistange
nuppi albmá

ná láhtte albma olmmoš
luohtehahtti ja soabalaš
ii miige bieggaoivviid
dieđán mii lea ovddasvástádus
lean buohkaide ovdamearkan

earát furrošit
rasildit suoli
čáhppes giellásat
bihkkadit njeacci
báidnet njuokčama

mu oamedovdu gal čeaská
dan goardagis liggedalan
menddo báhkka
njunni buollá

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019

the measure of holiness


I brag
a halo
gleams above my head
good wife
honorable woman

always faithful
to you, my man
I never even kissed
another man
the whole time

this is how a proper woman lives
trustworthy and compliant
not to be lead astray
I know my responsibility
I am exemplary

others whore around
with secret lovers
black lies
tar the face
tar the tongue

my conscience gleams white
I bask in its glow
so hot
I burn my nose

translation into English from Finnish by Kasper Salonen

boares gussa

السامي الشمالى | Inger-Mari Aikio

čoavji dego cubbos
liiki dego sfinx bussás
bahta govddit go vuotnaheasttas
čiččit dego rahkkeviercca bállut

liemastan alccesan
njálgáid, gáhkuid, vuojaid
buot sturrot
stuorrumis sturrot
dušše iešdovdu játná

giige ii fuola
giige ii hálit
geasage in dohkke
ja go in
de liemastan lasi

boares gussa riehpu
okto hiŋgalisttis
menddo sitkat biergunge
buoremus bálkestit horttiide
dahje jávistit roggái

© Inger-Mari Aikio
from: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Audio production: Haus für Poesie, 2019

Old Cow


a stomach like a frog's
skin like a sphinx's
an ass wider than a hippo's
tits like a rutting ram's testicles

I serve myself
candy, cakes, cream
everything swells and swells
only my self-esteem shrinks

no one wants me
no one desires me
– so I serve up more,
ancient tragic cow

alone in the stall
throw the rubbery meat
to the stray dogs
or cover it up in a hole

translation into English from Finnish by Kasper Salonen


الفنلندية | Henriikka Tavi

1. Teos voidaan esittää installaationa, 2-ulotteisena karttana tai kirjamuodossa.
2. Kirjamuotoinen teos koostuu 142 runollisesta tekstifragmentista.
3. Jokainen tekstifragmentti on 41 merkin pituinen. Välimerkit ja sanavälit lasketaan merkeiksi.
4. Jokainen tekstifragmentti on itsenäinen runollinen kokonaisuus.
5. Tekstifragmenteista 71 on suomenkielisiä, 71 fragmenttia englanninkielisiä. Teos on kokonaisuudessaan kaksikielinen.
6. Jokaisella suomenkielisellä tekstifragmentilla on englanninkielinen vastinpari eli toinen puoli; jokaisella englanninkielisellä tekstifragmentilla on suomenkielinen vastinpari eli toinen puoli. Yhdessä nämä kaksi fragmenttia muodostavat tekstinauhan, joka on itsenäinen runollinen kokonaisuus.
7. Tekstinauhat voidaan yhdistää satunnaisella tavalla labyrintiksi. Kirjan labyrintti on vain yksi ehdotus tekstinauhojen järjestämiseksi.
8. Labyrintti on runoa generoiva kone, joka muodostaa itsenäisen runollisen kokonaisuuden.
9. Kirjan labyrintin ulkolaidat yhdistyvät toisiinsa vaaka- ja pystysuunnassa, siten että labyrintista ei ole ulospääsyä.
10. Kirjan labyrintissa voi liikkua käytäviä pitkin tai seinien läpi nauhan toiselta puolelta nauhan toiselle puolelle. Kirjan sivuilla on sivunumeroihin perustuva kompassiruusu suunnistamista varten. Kirjan voi myös lukea lineaarisesti sivunumerojärjestyksessä.
11. Kaikki tekstifragmentit ovat luontorunoutta.
12. Suomenkieliset tekstifragmentit ovat lyyristä luontorunoutta, jossa runon minä havainnoi luontoa ja heijastaa tuntojaan siihen.Englanninkieliset fragmentit on poimittu englanninkielisistä luonnontieteellisistä kirjoista tai vastaavista lähteistä. Ne voivat olla suoria sitaatteja tai päällekirjoituksia.
13. Tekstinauhat on järjestetty kosmologisiksi vyöhykkeiksi. Tarkasteltuna labyrintin vasemmasta yläkulmasta eli sivulta 1 lähtien nämä vyöhykkeet ovat seuraavat (ks. kuva sivulla xvi):
1. mikro: mikroskooppiset, maanalaiset asiat, geologia, maaperä, multa
2. maa: maan tasaiset, hyönteiset, kukat
3. metsä: puut, linnut
4. taivas: avaruus sellaisena kuin se maasta näkyy, myös meri
5. avaruus: myös aika, maapallo avaruudesta katsottuna

Teoksesta Tekstinauhoja, in large well-organized termite colonies yhdessä Mikael Bryggerin ja IC-98-taiteilijaryhmän kanssa

© Henriikka Tavi
from: Toivo
Teos, 2011
Audio production: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2013



1. The work can be presented as an installation, a two-dimensional map or in book form.
2. In book form, the work is made up of 142 poetic text fragments.
3. Each text fragment is 41 characters long, including spaces and punctuation.
4. Each text fragment is an independent poetic entity.
5. 71 of the text fragments are in Finnish, and 71 are in English. The work is bilingual in its entirety.
6. Each Finnish text fragment has an English counterpart, i.e. its opposite side; each English text fragment has a Finnish counterpart, i.e. its opposite side. Together these two fragments form a text strip, which is an independent poetic entity.
7.  The text strips can be combined at random to form a labyrinth. The labyrinth presented in this book is just a suggestion for the arrangement of the text strips.
8. The labyrinth is a poem-generating system that comprises an independent poetic entity.
9. The outer edges of the labyrinth in this book combine with each other vertically and horizontally, so that the labyrinth has no exit.
10. The labyrinth of this book can be navigated by moving along the corridors or through the walls from one side of the strip to the other. On each page, there is a compass rose based on page numbers to facilitate navigation. The book can also be read in a linear fashion each page at a time.
11. All the text fragments are nature poetry.
12. The Finnish text fragments are lyrical nature poetry, where the poem’s speaker observes nature and projects his/her emotions into these observations. The English fragments have been cut up from natural science books or similar sources written in English. They can be direct quotes or palimpsests.
13. The text strips have been arranged into cosmological zones. Starting from the labyrinth’s upper left hand corner (i.e. page 1) these zones are as follows (see picture on p. xvi):
1.  micro: microscopic, subterranean things, geology,    ground, soil   
2.  earth: ground-level things, insects, flowers   
3.  forest: trees, birds
4.  sky: space as seen from the Earth, also the sea
5.  space: also time, the Earth as seen from outer space

Translated by Kasper Salonen