Nina Živančević 

on Lyrikline: 9 poems translated

from: الصربية to: الانجليزية




الصربية | Nina Živančević

Ljubav je setna   plava    zlatna   i  prava
Prestani sa šegačenjem    piši svoju poeziju
Popi lek               uglancaj cipele
Idi u školu     mangupiraj se
Izađi iz sopstvene kule       baci je u vazduh  
Orlando reče
Podne je skromno i hrani se mrvama
Mali objekti govore Svahili i čuvaju
postmoderni postkomatozni sjaj gde noć drhti
I zatvara nad glavama šuštavi veo
Spašen od sigurne sigurnosti od mudrog znanja
Od siromašne informacije
Duž klizavog doka
Objekat se ugnezdio
Okrugao mudar i hranljiv
Ne progorava i krije  skrivene dane   čudan ukus
slavnu prošlost
Bezvremen je
Majko        da li me voliš?
Majko        da li ti je do mene stalo?
A meni, do tebe?
Eto, odgegaćeš se tom šljunkovitom stazom i ostavićeš me
Samu u svemiru ispunjenom zemičkama i zvezdama i
Sjajnim objektima     debelim knjigama  i glasnom muzikom
Sublimnim objektima    veselim rečnicima zarobljenim vremenom
Ispunjenog šargarepama    cveklom i ostalim lekovima
Djavoljim satarašem      kaldrmom   prstenjem od opala  i  kobaltnim sutonom

Laka kiša spira ogromne robote   drske račune
Pozajmice i kredite     glupe rekvizite optočene kremenom
Vraća mi se ljubav i sad je već
Setna plava         zlatna i prava

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



Love is blue  love is gold   love is true

stop being childish  write that poetry

swallow your medicine   brush up your shoes

and go to school    and be a fool

get out of your castle and blow it off Orlando said

noon is humble feeding on crumbs

small objects speak Swahili and retain their post

modern post comatose glamour where night shivers

and closes its shimmering veil

saved from certainty saved from knowledge

saved from the poverty of information

along a shady dock

an object takes its place

 round and wise and nourishing

 it says nothing about its hidden days about its strange taste

about its glorious past

it is extemporal

Mother  do you love me?

Mother   do you care?

And do I care, for you?

There you will trot

along the tiny pebble path and leave me all alone

in the universe peopled with buns and stars and

shiny trinkets  staggering books and loud records

subliminal objects  cheerful dictionaries encapsulated in time

with carrots beetroots thistle remedies

witch’s brews cobblestones agate rings cobalt sunsets

light rain washes away huge robots impertinent bills

mortgage loans    stupid yawns hammered in

love comes back to me and is

blue  gold and true

Translated by the author


الصربية | Nina Živančević

Nikada nisam o tebi razmišljala sve dok nisi otišao
Sto je počišćen   čaša prazna    a tanjir
Pun grešaka     samo si skliznuo kroz       vrata
su bila zatvorena      neko je na njih kucao
udjite rekoh
vetar ih je širom otvorio
a na njima starica izbrazdanog lica
pljuvala je krv     donekle usamljena   odevena
majci nalik    ličila je na mene
osmehnula mi se i uputila mi
bezubu kletvu:   Ja sam tvoja smrt, reče ona,
znaš šta, uzdahnula sam, nisam još spremna
nije mi još trenutak, treba da pročitam sve Stoike
da postignem Budino prosvetljenje…
spremi se brzo, prosiktala je, a ja sam je odgurnula, zalupila vrata
i pala na pod, zatim se probudila prekrivena užasnim znojem

upalila  radio i slušala Baha
živela sa ljudima koji mrze poeziju
otkrića bejahu u modi             glupost u trudnoći

I tu ti prsti Glena Gulda…
Jednom prilikom, reče on, susreo sam Boga
Kontrapunkt je najveća stvar, u muzici a i životu,
Pričao je on i zviždukao Bahove vesele varijacije
Peglao bore kristalnoj jasnoći      zalivao leje domaćem životu
Hranio kućne miševe uzvitlanim očekivanjima
Koja nisu bila ni velika   ni čvrsta niti pak hladna
Ona bejahu samo tihi odjeci glasnog
Stakata njene ludosti     nesnosnog arpedja njegove veselosti
Tog gadnog kontrapunkta njegovog vašljivog obećanja…

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



Never did I think of you before you were gone

The table was clean the glass empty the plate 

 full of my mistakes and you just slid through

 the door was closed and someone was knocking at it

Come in I said

The wind pushed it open

That was an old woman with a ragged face

Spitting blood was somewhat lonely was dressed

Like my mother and looked like me

She smiled at me and toothless curse had reached

Me there, I am your death she said, oh I am not ready

Not ready right now have to read a lot of Stoics have to acquire my Buddha hood

Get ready she hissed and I pushed her away, slammed the door and fell down

Woke up covered with Gothic sweat

I turned on the radio and listened to Bach

Lived with some people who hated poetry

Serendipity in fashion stupidity in labour

Speedy fingers of Glen Gould

At one occasion he claimed he encountered God

Counterpoint is everything, like in music like in life

He said while humming along Bach’s exuberant variations

Ironing wrinkles of serenity  sprinkling the lawns of domesticity

Feeding house mice thrilling expectations

They were not great they were not solid they were not cold

They were just miniscule whispers of that loud

 staccato of her insanity      that unbearable arpeggio of his complicity

that bloody counterpoint of his lousy promise

Translated by the author


الصربية | Nina Živančević

Noć će isprati šljunak
Uprskan blatom                  žudnja ekspresioniste
Slatkast otužan miris ćilibara          smrad ćilibara
Neodredjen i Božji
Krajnje francuski  znači rigorozan    nezaštićen ozbiljan
Uplašen i zaboravan
Kamioni zgrušanih reči
Vesnici žudnje            ministarstva čekanja
Kafići  puni izazova
škole prepune pogrebnika      imena pretrpana istorijom
šaljivdžije     nabijene znanjem
Evo greške  čujes kašalj       gle ludaka
A mi se vozimo u magicnoj opni
Iza membrane prekrivene ledom i legendarnim ćutanjem
Hajde dodji   dodji brzo
Uzdahu zenice moje      koštana srži cveta mog
Taj cvet pokušava da odrzi obećanje koje
       ti je dao na dnu
Najdubljeg purpurnoga mora

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



night will wash away the pebbles

soaked in mud  expressionist yearning

sweet sweet smell of amber the odour of amber

neutral and divine

very French and rigorous  unprotected stern

scared and oblivious

the trucks loaded with words

sentinels of yearning   ministries of waiting

cafes filled with challenge

schools full of undertakers    names peppered with history

jokers  stuffed with science

a bluff    a cough     a nut

he is a bluff  and you are a nut

and we are riding in a magic shell

covered with ice and legendary silence

come to me   right now

the eye of my apple  heart of my flower

is trying to keep that promise it

made at the bottom

of the deepest crimson sea 

Translated by the author


الصربية | Nina Živančević

Neko je pokušao da me prevari
Neko je hteo da mi zameri
Neko je pokušao da sve to prelakira
Neko je uspeo da sve to zamaskira
Neko je želeo da me iznervira
Al muzika beše lepa pa pojačasmo ton...
A ti si i dalje puckao prstima
Okretao telefone i urlao na mesec.

Ti reče AMAN, a ja, ZAMAN!
U ime Boga i do kraja  vremena

Koraka laka a teških misli
U beznadežnoj noći pod sjajnim nebom
U ledenom vazduhu do kraja vremena
Besnih kopita obezglavljeni jahači
Pomerismo očni kapak, ugledasmo RAHAT
I jarka svetlost obasja naš SAHAT...
Pa, vazi, BAŠI, nek devojke tkaju
sukno zaborava,
u ime Boga i do kraja vremena

simetrija toga groblja
pokopala je već toliko igrača
obeskriljeni orlovi i pospani lavovi
čuli su nam pesmu pre no što je snimljena za narod
pre no sto je uvežbana i  složena u elegantne note
u besanom prisustvu, u strpljivom klepetu

ti rece AMAN, a ja ZAMAN,
aman, aman, do kraja vremena.

*pers.=u ime Boga (Ahman); do kraja vremena (zaman)

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



someone has tried to do me in

Someone was sad and really bad

Someone has tried to wash it off

Someone has tried to brush it down

Someone has tried to play the clown

Music was good and so we tuned in

And there you’ve gone snapping your fingers

Dialing numbers and howling at the moon

You said AMAN* and I said ZAMAN**

For the sake of Lord and to the end of time

My feet so light and thoughts so heavy

A hopeless night and shimmering sky

Cold thin air to the end of time

Tumultuous hooves and headless riders

If we move an eyelid will such RAHAT

And sheer light show the hour of SAHAT

OK, Bashi, let the girls weave the fabric

Of oblivion

You said AMAN and I said ZAMAN,

For the sake of Lord, and to the end of time

The symmetry of that cemetery

Has fed on so many dancers

The flightless eagles and sleepy lions

Have heard our song before it was recorded

Before we rehearsed and uttered these elegant notes

This sleepless presence this patient flutter

You said AMAN and I said ZAMAN

Aman, aman, to the end of time.


*Aman- “until the end of” (in Persian)

**Zaman- “time” (in Pers.)

Translated by the author


الصربية | Nina Živančević

Doktor je došao, pogledao me i šta mi je prepisao?
Imali smo mnogo pesama za večeru
Isuviše mnogo drama, tri loša romana i dve sumnjive novele
Pet imitacija za doručak i romansiranu biografiju za ručak
Vrlo je to loše za vašu ishranu vrlo loše     vrlo rdjavo za vaš duh

I tako doktori dolaze i odlaze             grickaju trule grozdjice
Nose pohabane kabanice    i pričaju dvosmislice
U životu punom traume   dogme i slanine   
slanine i dogme         prasići i rolne
Stvoreni na dnu
Najdubljeg purpurnoga mora

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



The doctor came and saw me and what did he prescribe?

You’ve had too many poems for dinner,

Far too many plays, three bad novels and two borderline novellas

Five doggerels for breakfast and a romance for lunch

Very very bad for your diet  very very sad for your brain


And the doctors come and go munching seedy sultanas

Wearing dirty bandanas reproducing an everlasting shock

In a life filled with schlock, schlock and sleaze,

 mice and geese

Made at the bottom

of the deepest crimson sea

Translated by the author


الصربية | Nina Živančević

Napisali su debele tomove o Alenovoj poeziji,
Najposle, on se uvek odnosio prema svome delu - odgovorno,
Samo mi je jednom rekao “sramota, ipak su te uhvatili”,
Ali ko su to bili “oni”, nikada mi otkrio nije...
Verovatno je mislio na baba-roge kapatilazma,

Pa ipak, govorio mi je puno toga, ponekad bih u mislima
Otplovila daleko, ne slušajući ga, a ponekad bih utonula u san...
I verovatno bih uvek  odgonetnula smisao njegovih reči
iako  je to uvek bilo “verovatno”  a ja samo ono “bih uvek”, biće
koje je želelo da promeni svoj život, taj život koji je
ličio na Beketov ili Džojsov, skrparen na tri različita jezika,
koji je uveliko gubio na suštini
priklanjajući se često baba-rogama novca i trenutka.

I dogodilo se upravo ono “verovatno” da sam nastavila da pisem
i širim mucavu reč nalik Gertrudi Stajn, a nisam bila čak ni “amerikanka u Parizu”, već prosto- ko što reče Alen- “luda žena iz Istočne Evrope u Njujorku, slična Naomi, napuštena od sviju, prepuštena sopstvenom ludilu.”
Medjutim, beše tu Piter, koji je nastavljao  porodičnu tradiciju, An i Stiv i Bob koji su čuvali plamen da se ne ugasi,
prisutni na pogrebu,
a zatim svi ti lešinari, tipovi koji nikada nisu ni pročitali Suncokretovu sutru,
Predskazanje iz samoposluge, Vičitu, Vorteks i ostale sutre,
žalili su Alena, koji me je tapšao po stomaku tri meseca pred porodjaj...
Videla sam ga samo još jednom nakon toga    išli smo u bioskop
i tad mi reče koliko žali što nema decu,
“mi, Istočni Evropljani se jako brzo kapiramo”, rekao je.

Medjutim, beše tu Piter, koji je nastavljao  porodičnu tradiciju, An i Stiv
i Bob koji su čuvali plamen da se ne ugasi, prisutni na pogrebu,
pa ipak, nikada nije imao decu...
Mi, Istočni Evropljani se jako brzo kapiramo, rekao je.
Isuviše brzo mislimo, eto, to je to- dodao je, kad sam bila mlada.
Ali bili smo na meskalinu i podrazumevalo se da mislimo brzo—
Nista , baš ništa nije ni suvise ružno u životu, ni suviše lepo,
To nisam rekao ja, reče Ginzi, već veliki lama, Dudjom Rinpoše, a ja
Sam se smejala i kikotala, sve dok nije rekao
“Neću više da gledam tvoje tužno lice”!
A najviše je voleo onaj Blejkov stih “Bože, što si me načinio
toliko različitim od drugih, Gospode,
što si me načinio pesnikom?”

© Nina Živančević
Audio production: Radio Belgrade 2



They wrote hefty volumes on Allen’s poetry

After all, he took himself quite seriously

Just once, he said, “it’s a shame, they’ve got you”,

But who were “they” he did not say…

He probably meant – the gargoyles of capitalism,

But he said so many things. and sometimes

I would drift away, and sometimes I would fall asleep…

And I would probably always outguess what he meant

 but it was just “probably” and I was just a “would”

who wanted to change her life, living like

Beckett after Joyce, tinkering with three languages to

Write in, losing the essence biiiig way

Obeying the gargoyles of money and place biiig time,

And it was just “probably” that I would write and earn my credit

Like Gertrude Stein, as I was not

An American in Paris, as I was just- like Allen had mentioned

Before “A crazy Eastern European, in New York, somewhat like

Naomi totally left alone, to her own madness….”

Then Peter, repeating the family pattern, Anne and Steve

And Bob keeping a tiny flame, a hope

Their presence at the wake

And then the vultures, people who never read the Sunflower sutra

The supermarket oracle the Wichita the Vortex, the Sutras

Allen patting my belly three months before I delivered my baby

I saw him only once after that   we saw a movie

He regretted for not having children,

Then Peter, repeating the family pattern, Anne and Steve

And Bob keeping a tiny flame, a hope

Their presence at the wake

But he had no children

We, Eastern Europeans understand each other quickly, he said,

We think too fast, of course Allen said to mini- me

But we are on mescaline and we’re supposed to think fast—

Nothing, just nothing is too horrible or too beautiful

Whatever it appears to be, it’s not me, Ginzy said, but

Dudjom Rinpoche, and I kept laughing and laughing

“I don’t want to see you sad face anymore”, he added.

He loved that old Blake’s “O, Lo’ why did you make

me so different from the rest of the world, good Lo’,

why have I become a poet?”

Translated by the author


الصربية | Vladimir Kopicl

Mrve leže na stolu, čekaju da se sasuše,
ako ih Neizbežno i pre toga ne pokupi.
Isto tako je sa mnom, govorim levoj ruci
dok usporavam drugu, što još želi da radi.
Brzina ne užasava, dok je ne dostižemo:
ona je uvek sa nama, čak i kada nas nema,
odsutnih, tupih, u snu.
Tu nas nikad ne prestigne.

Da li sam sanjao mrve?
Ne, to se nije desilo, bez znatnijeg gubitka.
One se uvek sasuše, i u dubini mora:
to bih hteo da kažem, kada bi bilo tačno.
Dobro je i ovako. Posedeću još malo,
leći: neka me pokupe.
Tako se otvara svet što ne zna za gubitak
jer je davno dobijen da ne bi bio smrvljen.

© Vladimir Kopicl



The crumbs lie on the table waiting to get dry
just in case the Unavoidable forgot to collect them.
The same with me, I speak to my left hand
while slowing the other hand down, the one which would rather work.
The speed does not frighten us as long as we cannot obtain it;
It is always with us, even when we are not around,
when we are absent, numb or asleep.
It never reaches us there.

Had I dreamt of the crumbs?
No, it did not happen, no significant loss here.
They always dry out, even at the bottom of the deepest sea:
This is what I was about to say, had it been correct elsewhere.
It is also good this way. I will remain seated a bit longer,
go to bed, let them collect me.
In this way we open the world which suffers no loss
as it was gained awhile ago so that it wouldn’t crumble down.

Translated into English by Nina Živančević


الصربية | Vladimir Kopicl

Sunce stoji u nebu i to se zove dan.
Ali ono je  tamo i kad se zove noć.

Juče sam video potok koji traga za zečićem,
malim, titravim, smrznutim,
sivih drhtavih šapica,
ali bilo je leto i nije ga pronašao.
Opet se nisu sreli.
Šta će biti na zimu?

Ni štap, ni šargarepa, ni propast, ni idila.
Možda jave na jesen, kad spreme konačni izveštaj.

Tako stoji i Mesec, on ne zna zašto je tamo,
blizak Zemlji i nebu, ali od svega udaljen
kao da nema dužnost, nikakvo opravdanje.
Ni da odmogne sebi, ni da pomogne drugom.
Čak se dobro i ne vidi, deluje kao zaboravljen,
čim ga zakloni oblak ili uglovi kuća.
Ne živi sasvim građanski, deluje privremeno
kao prolazna večnost, tup sjaj  bratoubistva.

Sve to o nečemu govori, ali nema rešenja,
ili je sasvim nemo ko prazna govornica.

A sutra, umesto zvezda, tamo će stajati sveci
i bivši zvezdani svod biće sjajem narogušen,
ispunjen blagom toplinom, pomalo zajebanom
jer sveci ništa ne govore dok im se tako ne kaže.
Ali ko da im kaže u onoj pustoj praznini
u kojoj sve izvan njih deluje kao ekran,
ko glup dokumentarac na hladnom oku TV-a.
Sav mir u ovom svemiru providan je ko staklo
po kome protrči zečić i šapicom ga zamaže.

Možda će doći i drugi, da ga šapicom umije,
a možda ipak i neće. Kraj nema ravnoteže.

© Vladimir Kopicl



The sun is shining thus we call this event a day.
But it stands there when we say it’s night time.

Yesterday I saw a stream looking for a rabbit,
a tiny one, shuddering, frozen,
with grey and trembling little paws,
And though it was summertime it didn’t find it.
They failed to meet again.
And what will happen when the winter arrives?

No stick, no carrot, neither downfall nor an idyll.
Perhaps they will tell us in autumn, once the final report was made.

The Moon stands there as well, it does not know why it was hung there,
close to the Earth and to the sky but so distant from them
as if it did not have its duty or an excuse for it.
It cannot neither harm itself nor help an other.
We cannot even see it clearly, it seems forgotten by them all,
as soon as the cloud covers it over or some corners of a house.
It does not live in a civil manner, it appears like a temporary thing
as transient as eternity, with its dumb glow like a fratricide.

All this is trying to tell us something, but there’s no solution to it,
or the solution appears to us silent like that empty speaker’s podium.

And tomorrow, at that very spot, we’ll be able to observe the saints
and the previous starry firmament will be damaged by its glitter,
filled out with gentle warmth, a bit screwed out,
as the saints never say anything unless they are told to do so.

But who is to tell them anything in that vast vacuity
in which all things except for themselves appear as the screen,
a dumb documentary in the cold television eye.
All peace and tranquillity in this universe are transparent like glass
across which a bunny rabbit runs smearing it with its paw.

Perhaps another rabbit will show up instead trying to clean it with its own                                                                                                                                 paw
and perhaps it will not. The end has no need for balance.

Translated into English by Nina Živančević


الصربية | Vladimir Kopicl

Zanimljivo je biti živ
i iznad svega korisno
za čovečenstvo.

To je mera bola.

Zora me nikada nije sebi zvala
i moja put je tamna. Koža
sumraka sama zaklanja sunce
i noću budi se sama.
Posle ostaje rumen iz koje nastaju zraci
i belo perje pada sa anđeoskih krila.

Gering je sanjao meseršmit
jer je voleo zlato.
Volim zlato Geringa u rukama
i svetle od brzine nečujne avione koji nose
ovaj na drugi svet.
Moj seks u susret Karibima.

Tako zora je tamna
blještave senke su tamne
i tamno ulje u vrču.
Taman je čak i kokos i tamna deca
što dugo ispijaju njegov sok
držeći smeđeg Geringa danima među zubima.

Njihov smeh tad je zvonak
zlatan u majske zore kada sanjaju praznik
svog prvog lenjinskog bola.

Umreću i svet će opet biti dosadan.
Klopka za hladne dane.

© Vladimir Kopicl



It is interesting to be alive
and above all other things it’s useful
for  mankind.

That is a measure for pain.

The dawn has never invited me
and my skin is dark. The skin
of twilight covers the sun by itself
and wakes up at night by itself.
The pink sky remains afterwards, the redness that creates the
sunshine and white feathers are falling off the angels’ wings.

Gőring dreamt of  “messerschmidt”
because  he loved gold.
I love to see Gőring’s gold in my hands
and the airplanes bright with speed, the soundless ones which
carry my sex towards the Caribbean.

Dawn is dark there,
bright shadows are dark there and oil in jugs as well.
Even the coconut is dark there as much as the children
who drink its milk for hours
clenching their dark Gőring between their teeth for days.

Their laughter rings happily then
and it is golden in the dawns of May
as they dream of the holiday of their first Leninist pain.
I will die and the world will become boring again.
A trap for cold days.

Translated into English by Nina Živančević