Vladimir Pištalo 

on Lyrikline: 1 poems translated

from: الانجليزية to: الصربية



Evening Walk

الانجليزية | Charles Simic

You give the appearance of listening
To my thoughts, O trees,
Bent over the road I am walking
On a late-summer evening
When every one of you is a steep staircase
The night is slowly descending.

The high leaves like my mother’s lips
Forever trembling, unable to decide,
For there’s a bit of wind,
And it’s like hearing voices,
Or a mouth full of muffled laughter,
A huge dark mouth we can all fit in
Suddenly covered by a hand.

Everything quiet. Light
Of some other evening strolling ahead,
Long-ago evening of silk dresses,
Bare feet, hair unpinned and falling.
Happy heart, what heavy steps you take
As you follow after them in the shadows.

The sky at the road’s end cloudless and blue.
The night birds like children
Who won’t come to dinner.
Lost children in the darkening woods.

© Charles Simic
from: New and Selected Poems 1962-2012
New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013

Večernja šetnja


Ukazuje mi se da prisluškuješ
Moje misli, o, drveće,
Nadneto nad putem kojim šetam
U kasno letnje veče
Kada je svako od vas strmo stepenište
Kojim polako silazi noć.

Visoki listovi kao usne moje majke
Zauvek drhtavi, nesposobni da odluče,
Jer ima nešto vetra,
A to je kao čuti glasove,
Il' usta prigušenog smeha,
Golema tamna usta u koja svi možemo stati
Iznenadno prekrivena šakom.

Sve tiho. Svetlost
Neke druge večeri, odlutale,
Davno prošle večeri od svilenih haljina,
Bosih nogu, kosa nepričvršćenih, što padaju.
Srećno srce, kakve to teške korake preduzimaš
Kada ih slediš u senke.

Nebo na kraju puta bistro i plavo.
Noćne ptice kao deca
Koja neće da dođu na večeru.
Izgubljena deca u sumračenju šume.

Prevela: Vladimir Pištalo