Sibila Petlevski 

on Lyrikline: 7 poems translated

from: الكرواتية, الانجليزية to: الانجليزية, الكرواتية



Životni put

الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Pletuć jezik, posrćuć i ư nesvijest se
rušeć, ja sam znala pokazivat sitne
modrice k'o eksponate, moleć ljude:
«Ne dirajte», premda nitko nije htio

dirat, nije htio gledat, čak ni znao
vidjet galge, mrtva slova što s njih vise
kao zakon izložena kiši, vjetru,
porugama, volji, potrebama ptica.

Gavrani su hranili me četrdeset
punih dana, gavrani su hranili me,
pa sad biram drugi put i drugi poziv.

Slatka moja usta, zadovoljstva sita,
poslije mesa mole. Nisam više ona    
što iz Knjige samo prije jela čita.

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Koreografija patnje
Zagreb: Konzor, 2002
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

Walk of Life


Maudlin, stumbling’, falling senseless

to the ground, I used to show

my little bruises like exhibits,

pleading people not to touch them,

though they never cared a hang,

not even noticed wooden gibbets –

warnings put in words, exposed

to rain and ridicule and birds.

Forty days fed by ravens.

Forty days fed by ravens,

I have changed my walk of life.

Cloyed with pleasure, rich & sweet,

my lips are now saying grace

not before, but after meat.

Written in English


الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Ležeć njoj do nogu, usred polja žita,
vena presječenih, smireno se pita
kad će osmijeh skinut grč sa milog lica.
Ona ljušti kabel, stišće svežanj žica,  

hoće spriječit protok. Napon struje pada.
Htjela bi da njegov život teče duže;
drži trošno uže i kad pline nada.
Hoće li popustit stisak, proći bol

što ga stvara strašni djevičanski spol
žudnjom da sve spasi odavde do neba?
Malo mira, samo malo mira treba  

ovo krotko biće samo s jednim rogom.
Slab je on i pitom; razblažen k'o voda.
Pusti nek isteče, ode s milim bogom.

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Koreografija patnje
Zagreb: Konzor, 2002
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

Weak as Water


Lying quite at her feet,

veins cut, in a field of wheat,

he expects her face would relax

in a smile. Teasing flex,

disturbing the peaceful

current of his life, she holds on

a fretted rope, beyond hope.

He hopes her grip would relax

but that frightful virgin sex

does not seem to let him go.

All he seeks is a little bit of peace.

He’s meek. Tame as a unicorn

and weak. Weak as water.

Virgin Mary, let him spring a leak.

Written in English

Noćni grabežljivci

الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Mokro je lišće na stepeništu. Lisičje riječi padaju   
Teško i spori ih razvlači vjetar. Mačke se prikradaju.  
Je' to opet Alvina plače: iz dimnjaka uzalud vuče  
Svrpane, duge vlasi? K'o fanfare iz grla joj zvuče   

Malene trube; korneti zločesto pušu; sve bruji.
Nekad su gudalom kucnut znali šumski slavuji.
Nema njihovog "tak-tak". Samo: "Ći-ći, ći-ći, ći-ći!"
Tetrijeb se glasa: "Doo-đi" a misli: "Kad ćeš otići?"

Sove hukću i jastrebi klikću, a lisica zavija, laje.
Zapijevaju sokoli kao u crkvi. Liturgija okrutna daje
Na znanje i meni i tebi da ništa ne vrijedi više  

Od osjećaja života. Zalutaju pisma. Svejedno što piše,  
Jer mimoilaze se i ljudi. Zadovolji sebe i u istom mahu,   
Kad vidiš da skrećem već s ceste, reci: "Prah prahu."

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Koreografija patnje
Zagreb: Konzor, 2002
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

Nocturnal Marauders


Wet leaves on a stairway. A slow wind still drawling   

Weasel words from the night before. Cats prowling.      

Is that little Alvina weeping: her long, unkempt hair  

Stuck in the chimney again? It sounds like a fanfare

Of small trumpets. The impish noise of cornets blowing.

Only nightingales were using the technique of bowing.   

No more 'jug-jug'. Now it’s: 'Pee-wit, pee-wit, pee-wit!'

Wildfowl crying 'come back' – actually meaning 'Leave it!'

Owls hoot and screech, hawks scream and foxes yelp;   

Only falcons chant. Their all-purpose liturgy can help

You and me to understand that nothing really matters

As long as we feel alive. People cross like letters

On their way out of difficulties. Gratify your lust.  

If I go off the main road, say just: 'Dust to dust.'

Written in English

Najcrnji sat

الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Gravitacijska polja, poljane i stotine ari trave.  
Zdrobljena nasmrt, pod hrpom štitova razbijena,
k'o puž bez oružja, naga, grob mi Tarpejska stijena;  
napokon izbjegla sebe, okrenula teški ključ brave.

U najcrnji sat, minutu prije no zora zarudi
k'o Vrabac kojemu krv se s trna slijeva na grudi,
biram preporođenje. Puls me čas prati, čas gubi,  
dok slabi motor u veni, još štuca i tiho mi trubi.

Živim se pijeskom hranim i oslonac ne trebam zato
što zemljom se tovim i letim na njenome plinu dok blato  
njušim. K'o meta u zraku, k'o nekakav golub od gline,

puštam da okriljen oblik mojega daha se vine
s tvojega kvarnoga nepca na kojem tek prijevara leži.
Svoje tijelo ukradi, a onda ga seciraj, reži!

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Koreografija patnje
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

In the Darkest Hour


Meadows, acres of meadows and gravitational fields.

Crushed to death with hundreds of my own shields,

Unarmed, stark naked like a slug, buried on a rock,

I escaped myself eventually, turned the key in the lock.

In the darkest hour, just before the dawn, like that Robin

Redbreast who picked the blood dyed thorn, I have to choose

a way to be reborn. My pulse is playing fast and loose

with me; the quiet engine in my veins still throbbing.

I eat live send, no longer search for footing.  

Much like a pigeon – a piece of clay for shooting,    

I gorge on earth, sniff mud; I fly on fumes    

and let the winged form my breath assumes

take off your jaded palate that tells but deadly lies.

Snatch your own body, then anatomize!

Written in English

Spavači teškog sna

الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Jedva da išta bi moglo pokrenut se s točke rubom
sablasne zemlje koju vrijeme preorava zubom.
Izgubili svoje smo mjesto u sedmome nebu: par tuka
šopanih, debelih, sviklih na krmu od kadulje, luka.

K'o kad se miševi bijeli vide, u nogama gubi
baš svaki osjet. K'o kada se smanji vidno polje,
na okrajke svede, a govor skrati, na svaštice srubi.
U mori je moguće sve: nedostaje odluke, volje.

Padaju licem idoli i mramorni sveci u travu.
Tek pravi spavači znaju što znači spavat sa sjenom,
vlastitom sjenom što diže k'o stećak se njima nad glavu.

Pasatni vjetrovi stali: cimbala s olujnom trubom.
Teško da išta bi moglo pokrenut se s točke rubom
sablasne zemlje koju vrijeme preorava zubom.

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Koreografija patnje
Zagreb: Konzor, 2002
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

Heavy Sleepers


It’s hard to imagine anything could happen

on a piece of ghost land furrowed by old age.

We have lost our place in the seventh heaven

like stuffed ducks reconciled to onions and sage.

It’s like seeing snakes. It’s like losing all sensation

in your legs. It’s like having your field of vision

reduced to bits and snippets, snatches of conversation.

Everything is possible in a bad dream: we lack decision.

One by one, wooden idols, marble saints are falling prone.

Only heavy sleepers know what it means to sleep

with your shadow set up over your head like a stone.

Trade winds stopped. Storms ceased to rage.

It’s hard to imagine anything could happen

on a piece of ghost land furrowed by old age.

Written in English

Sveti tjedan

الكرواتية | Sibila Petlevski

Puhali smo balone punih šest dana,
mislili da je to jedini način na koji se može
dati okvir dahu. S neba je padala mana,  
slatka i mlaka kao mlijeko iz sise. Bože!
Pa mogli smo i poljupcima postići istu,
potpuno istu stvar, mogli smo i disanjem  
u staklo, da umjesto nas magla na čistu
zrcalu napiše da smo živi, da pisanjem
prenesemo toplinu bez dodira i glasa,
da budemo jednostavno tu, a ne u mreži  
krvi isprepleteni, ne poput gladnih pasa,
ne vječno gladnog srca koje iz grudi reži.
Puhali smo balone i onda ih nožem parali
punih šest dana. Sedmi smo se odmarali.

© Sibila Petlevski
from: Spojena lica
Zagreb: HDP-Durieux, 2006
Audio production: David Gazarov, 2008

A Holy Week


We blew the balloons for six whole days,
thought there was no other way one could
frame the breath. Manna was falling from
the sky on our ways, sweet and tepid like milk
from a breast. Oh, God! We could have reached
one hundred percent the same with our kisses,
we could have done it also by breathing onto
the glass, so that fog would write our name
on a clear glass, and say instead of us we are
alive, so that our writing transfers the warmth
without a touch or a sound, and makes it possible
for us to be simply here and not entangled in a net
of blood, not like hungry dogs to be found,
not with forever hungry heart that roars from
our breasts and the lot. We blew the balloons and
then tore them with a knife for six whole days.
On the seventh we took some rest in our life.

Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek and Sibila Petlevski

In the dust

الانجليزية | Matthew Sweeney

And then in the dust he drew a face,
the face of a woman, and he asked
the man drinking whiskey beside him
if he’d ever seen her, or knew who she was,
all the time staring down at her, as if
this would make her whole. And then,
at the shake of the head, he let his boot
dissolve her into a settling cloud.
He threw another plank on the fire,
drained his glass and filled it again,
watching his dog rise to its feet
and start to growl at the dirt-road
that stretched, empty, to a hilly horizon.
A shiver coincided with the dog’s first bark,
that doubled, trebled, became gunfire
that stopped nothing coming, so he stood
to confront it, but not even a wind
brushed his face, no shape formed,
and after the dog went quiet, a hand
helped him sit down and rejoin his glass.

© Matthew Sweeney & Jonathan Cape
from: Sanctuary
London: Jonathan Cape, 2004
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



A onda je u prašini nacrtao lice,
žensko lice, i pitao
čovjeka koji je pio viski pokraj njega
je li je ikada sreo, ili možda zna tko je ona,
i svo vrijeme je zurio dolje u nju, baš kao
da će od toga žena biti cjelovitija. A onda,
na odrječito kimanje glavom, čizmom je
raspršio njen lik u oblačak koji se slegao.
Dodao je cjepanicu u vatru,
iskapio čašu i još jednom nalio do ruba
prateći pogledom svojega psa kako ustaje
da bi promuklo zalajao prema prljavoj cesti
koja se pružala, pusta, u pravcu brdovitog horizonta.
Srsi su ga prošle baš u trenuku kad se ogasio prvi lavež
koji se potom udvostručio, utrostručio, zaštektao kao mitraljez
koji presreće nadolazeće ništa, i tako je ustao  
spreman na suočenje, ali nije bilo čak ni vjetra
da mu očeše lice, nije se uobličila nikakva prilika,
pa kad je pas zamuknuo, nečija ruka
mu je pomogla da ponovno sjedne i pridruži se čaši.

Translated by Sibila Petlevski