Birk Rohelend


Adam Cullen


Sõna jõud

ema palus isalt
mitu kuud järjest:
„ole hea, värvi toolid ära.“
olid sellised nelinurksed
auguga taburetid
värv aina murenes
rikkus riideid
ema pidi pesu alati üle pesema

vanaema tuli külla
vaatas toole ja käratas isale:
„kui homseks värvitud ei saa,
viskan aknast alla!“
kujutlesin põnevusega
punaste taburettide lendu
surmapõlglikku sukeldust
neljandalt korruselt
kahjuks ei saanud näha

© Birk Rohelend
الإنتاج المسموع: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre], 2014

The power of word

mom asked dad
several months in a row:
"paint the chairs for me, please."
they were the kind of
square stools with a hole
the paint kept on chipping
ruining clothing
mom always had to rewash the laundry

grandma came to visit
looked at the chairs and yelled at dad:
"if they aren't painted by tomorrow,
"I'll toss them out the window!"
I imagined with excitement
the flight of the red stools
unfortunately, I did not get to see
their death-defying dive
from the fourth floor

Translated from Estonian by Adam Cullen