Jure Jakob


Ana Jelnikar, Stephen Watts



Z ozirom na vse, kar vsak dan vidim,
je koristno reči

Danes dežuje in solata raste,
dan ni enak dnevu
in kaj bo šele jutri.

Ne bo šlo, si včasih rečem.
Mogoče je tako leto,
ampak zemlja seže globlje

in nebo vedno nekaj podari.
Tako pomembno je vse
in nenehno se spreminja

in to skeli kot lakota,
kot sočne koprive ob robu grede,
ki sem jih posekal s srpom.

Z ozirom na razkošno predstavo,
stalen praznik semen in plodov,
delam malo.

To pomeni tisto,
kar je treba,
da ne pozabim glavnega.

Ko bomo šli od tod,
bomo vzeli
vrt s sabo.

© Jure Jakob
من: Delci dela
Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2013
ISBN: 978-961-6717-84-7
الإنتاج المسموع: LUD Literatura, 2014


Given what I see every day
it helps to say

Today it's raining and the salad's growing,
the day resembles no other
and what will tomorrow be like. 

It won't work, I find myself saying.
Maybe it's just one of those years
but the earth goes deeper

and the sky always brings some gift.  
So important it all is
and constantly changing

and this hurts like hunger
like fleshy stinging nettles at the edge of an allotment
which I cut down with a scythe. 

Given the lavish performance,
the bounteous holiday of seeds and fruits,
I don't do much work. 

That means I do
what needs to be done
so as not to forget what's vital.                       

When we go from here
we'll take
the garden with us. 

Translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar and Stephen Watts