Tishani Doshi


Tomica Bajsić


Find the Poets

I arrived in a foreign land yesterday,
a land that has seen troubles,
            (who hasn’t, you might say?)
This land
with its scrubbed white houses
and blue seas, where everything was born,
and now, everything seems as if it could vanish.
I wanted to find out the truth
about how a great land like this
could allow ancient columns to crumble
and organ grinders to disappear.

Find the poets, my friend said.
If you want to know the truth, find the poets.

But friend, where do I find the poets?
In the soccer fields,
at the sea shore,
in the bars drinking?

Where do the poets live these days,
            and what do they sing about?

I looked for them in the streets of Athens,
at the flea market and by the train station,
I thought one of them might have sold me a pair of sandals.

But he did not speak to me of poetry,

only of his struggles, of how his house was taken from him
along with his shiny dreams of the future,
of all the dangers his children must now be brave enough to face.

Find the poets, my friend said.
They will not speak of the things you and I speak about.
They will not speak of economic integration
or fiscal consolidation.

They could not tell you anything about the burden of adjustment.

But they could sit you down
and tell you how poems are born in silence
and sometimes, in moments of great noise,
of how they arrive like the rain,
unexpectedly cracking open the sky.

They will talk of love, of course,
as if it were the only thing that mattered,
about chestnut trees and mountain tops,
and how much they miss their dead fathers.

They will talk as they have been talking
for centuries, about holding the throat of life,
till all the sunsets and lies are choked out,
till only the bones of truth remain.

The poets, my friend, are where they have always been—
living in paper houses without countries,
along rivers and in forests that are disappearing.

And while you and I go on with life
remembering and forgetting,

the poets remain: singing, singing.

© Tishani Doshi
الإنتاج المسموع: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2014

Nađi pjesnike

Stigla sam jučer u stranu zemlju,
zemlju koja je vidjela probleme,
               (koja to nije, mogli bi reći?)
Ova zemlja
sa svojim izbijeljenim kućama
i plavim morima, gdje sve rođeno je,
a sada, izgleda kao da je u nestajanju.
Željela sam pronaći istinu
kako si je velika zemlja poput ove
mogla dopustiti urušavanje drevnih stupova
I nestanak uličnih verglaša.

Pronađi pjesnike, rekao je moj prijatelj.
Ako želiš saznati istinu, pronađi pjesnike.

Ali, prijatelji, gdje bih našla pjesnike?
Na nogometnim terenima,
uz obalu mora,
u barovima gdje piju?

Gdje žive pjesnici ovih dana,
i o čemu oni pjevaju?

Tražila sam ih na ulicama Atene,
na buvljacima i kod željezničkog kolodvora,
mislila sam da mi je jedan od njih prodao sandale.

Ali nije mi govorio o poeziji,

nego samo o svojim bitkama, i kako mu je,
zajedno s blistavim snovima o budućnosti,
oduzeta kuća, o svim opasnostima s kojima se
djeca moraju suočiti i za to biti dovoljno hrabra.

Pronađi pjesnike, rekao je moj prijatelj.

Oni neće govoriti o čemu govorimo ti i ja.
Neće pričati o ekonomskim integracijama i fiskalnoj konsolidaciji.

Ne mogu ti reći ništa o tegobama prilagodbe.

Ali mogu te posjesti
i reći ti kako su pjesme rođene u tišini
i ponekad, u trenucima velike buke,
ili kako pjesme dolaze poput kiše,
kao prolom oblaka koji otvara nebo. 

Govorit će o ljubavi, jasno,
kao da je to jedino što što je bitno,
o stablima lješnjaka i vrhovima planina,
i koliko im nedostaju njihovi preci.

Govorit će onako kako su govorili
stoljećima, o hvatanju života za gušu,
sve dok svi sumraci i laži ne budu ispljunuti,
sve dok ne ostanu samo kosti istine.

Pjesnici su, prijatelju, tamo gdje su uvijek bili –
živeći u papirnatim kućama bez zemalja,
uz rijeke, i u šumama u nestajanju.

I dok ti i ja idemo dalje sa životom
Sjećajući se i zaboravljajući,

pjesnici ostaju: pjevajući, pjevajući.

Prijevod Tomica Bajsić