Josep Carner


Anna Crowe


De la Vila del Vendrell

A Jaume Carner

Adéu, vila regalada,
adéu, vila del Vendrell,
que fas una olor mesclada
de garrofa i vi novell.

Vibren cases blanquinoses,
sota el dia solellós;
beuen les eugues, calmoses,
en els vells abeuradors.

Cremen marges i vessanes;
les veremes seran bones,
fa l'abella, zumzejant.

I encabides en tartanes,
a berenes van les dones,
cap a mar, sotraquejant.

© Raimon Bergós lawyer’s office
من: Lloc
الإنتاج المسموع: Biblioteca de Catalunya

On the Town of Vendrell

                                for Jaume Carner

Farewell, city of gifts,
farewell, Vendrell of mine,
through whose streets there wafts
the smell of carob and young wine.

In the sun’s fierce light
a shimmer of whitewashed houses;
the mares stand drinking, quiet,
at the old watering-places.

With sun-scorched fields and rigs
the grape-harvest will be good –
the buzzing song of the bee.

And squeezed into carts and gigs
the women with their picnic food
go jolting down to the sea.

Translated by Anna Crowe.