Joana Raspall


Jacob Rhodes


Invitació 2

Amic, vols venir?
La tarda és molt clara
l’aire té sentors
de mar i muntanya.
Fugim del soroll
i busquem la calma
on compartirem
les nostres paraules.
Poques en direm
i ben escoltades,
amb pau dins del cor,
llum en les mirades.

Vols venir amic?
La tarda és tan clara!

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
من: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
الإنتاج المسموع: El cep i la nansa

Invitation 2

Friend, do you want to come?
It is a clear afternoon
and the air is carrying scents
from seashore to mountain.
Let’s flee this noise
and seek out the calm
where we may share
our words.
Few shall be exchanged
albeit well heard,
with peace in our hearts,
and light in our gaze.

Do you want to come, friend?
It is such a clear afternoon!

Translated by Jacob Rhodes