Joana Raspall


Jacob Rhodes



Avui a l’ordinador
M´han sortit lletres estranyes
i signes que no he vist mai
i quan hi he volgut escriure
no hi he trobat cap espai.
Sembla que mentre dormia
l’Spiderman i la bruixa
i el Doraemon hi ha entrat
amb les bessones i en Potter
i quin sarau hi han armat.
Jo volia escriure un conte per Sant Jordi
que a l’escola el celebrarem demà,
si l’ordinador no em deixa esborrar aquell jeroglífic,
hauré d’escriure’l a mà.

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
من: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
الإنتاج المسموع: El cep i la nansa

The Computer

Today on the computer
some strange letters appeared
and signs I had never seen before
and when I tried to write there
I couldn’t find any space at all.
It seems that as I slept
Spiderman and the witch
along with Doraemon had all come in,
not forgetting the twins and Potter
and what a rumpus they stirred up!
I hoped to write a story for Saint George’s
which we are celebrating tomorrow at school,
and if the computer shan’t let me erase these hieroglyphics
hand and pen shall be my tools.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes