David Castillo


Anna Crowe



Jo sóc a dins
i tu ets a fora.
Tots dos estem enganxats a alguna cosa:
una droga,
un amor que es resisteix a l'oblit,
com un tumor de la memòria
que ens rossega com el ratolí que no dorm.

Tu ets a dins
i jo sóc a fora,
fora de tu
sense recordar quan no em deixaves entrar,
quan no et deixava sortir,
quan ens destorbàvem
com un dia de treball,
com una trucada telefònica durant la migdiada,
com una dent trencada el cap de setmana,
fins a adonar-me que quan tu entres
jo surto,
i quan torno ja no et trobo.

No marxis sense abans avisar-me,
no vull sorpreses si em quedo.

© David Castillo
من: Downtown
Barcelona: Icaria, 2005
الإنتاج المسموع: Institut Ramon Llull

A question of time

I am inside
and you are out.
We are both hooked on something:
a drug,
love that resists being forgotten,
like a tumour of the memory
that gnaws at us like the mouse that never sleeps.

You are inside
and I am out,
outside you
with no memory of when you wouldn’t let me come in,
of when I wouldn’t let you go out,
when we bothered each other
like a work day,
like a phone-call mid-siesta,
like a tooth broken at the weekend,
until I realise that when you come in
I go out,
and when I come back I can’t find you.

Don’t go away without telling me first,
I don’t want any surprises if I stay.

Translated by Anna Crowe