Donata Berra


Ramona Lofton, Sapphire


Al porto

Al porto, uno

A ridosso dell'onda, preso
tra le maglie della rete, perso
al finisterre sguardo, e le passioni:
fermo, aspettando che calino le nasse

Al porto, due

Senza apparente scopo
come la lenta risacca

ma con visibile fastidio
per le frasi che non la riguardano                           

sta la bella donna
seduta al bar Blu Mare

attorcigliando il fumo
cilestrino della sigaretta.

© Verlag Im Waldgut / Donata Berra
من: Maria, schräg an einen Pfosten gelehnt / Maria, di sguincio, addossata a un palo. Gedichte / Poesie. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von J. Kelter
Frauenfeld: Im Waldgut, 1999
ISBN: 3-7294-0285-4
الإنتاج المسموع: 2001 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin

In the harbor

In the harbor, one

Close to the shelter of the wave, entangled
in the mesh of the net, lost
in the endless glance he loses his passion:
standing still, waiting for the fish traps to lower.

In the harbor, two

Without any apparent purpose
like the surf rolling slowly

but with visible annoyance
at the sentences that are not about her

the beautiful woman is
sitting in the bar Blue Mare

curling the pale blue smoke
of the cigarette.

English version by Sapphire/Ramona Lofton

© 2001 by Sapphire/Ramona Lofton

printed by permission of the author