Matthew Sweeney


Pavol Lukáč


In the dust

And then in the dust he drew a face,
the face of a woman, and he asked
the man drinking whiskey beside him
if he’d ever seen her, or knew who she was,
all the time staring down at her, as if
this would make her whole. And then,
at the shake of the head, he let his boot
dissolve her into a settling cloud.
He threw another plank on the fire,
drained his glass and filled it again,
watching his dog rise to its feet
and start to growl at the dirt-road
that stretched, empty, to a hilly horizon.
A shiver coincided with the dog’s first bark,
that doubled, trebled, became gunfire
that stopped nothing coming, so he stood
to confront it, but not even a wind
brushed his face, no shape formed,
and after the dog went quiet, a hand
helped him sit down and rejoin his glass.

© Matthew Sweeney & Jonathan Cape
من: Sanctuary
London: Jonathan Cape, 2004
الإنتاج المسموع: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

V prachu

A potom do prachu nakreslil tvár –
tvár ženy – a opýtal sa
muža, čo pil whisky vedľa neho
či ju už niekedy videl, alebo či ju nepozná
celý čas hľadiac na ňu, akoby ju
tým chcel oživiť. A potom,
keď muž pokrútil hlavou, topánkou
ju rozprášil na sadajúci oblak...
Priložil na oheň ďalšiu triesku,
vyprázdnil pohár a znova si dolial,
sledujúc svojho psa, ktorý vstal
a začal vrčať smerom k poľnej ceste,
ktorá sa osamelo vinula k hornatému obzoru.
Striaslo ho pri prvom psom zaštekaní,
ktoré sa zdvojilo, strojilo, prerástlo do paľby
ktoré utíchlo, keď nič neprichádzalo, vstal teda,
aby to privítal, ale ani len vietor
mu nepohladil tvár, nik sa nezjavil
a keď pes stíchol, nejaká ruka
mu pomohla sadnúť si a vrátiť sa k poháriku.

Z angličtiny preložil Pavol Lukáč