Kirmen Uribe

لغة الباسك

Elizabeth Macklin



Utzi begietara begiratzen.
                                                   Nola zauden jakin nahi dut.
                                                   RAINER W. FASSBINDER

Begira, sartu da maiatza,
Zabaldu du bere betazal urdina portuan.
Erdu, aspaldian ez dut zure berri izan,
Ikarati zabiltza, ito ditugun katakumeak bezala.
Erdu eta egingo dugu berba betiko kontuez,
Atsegin izatearen balioaz,
Zalantzekin moldatu beharraz,
Barruan ditugun zuloak nola bete.
Erdu, sentitu goiza aurpegian,
Goibel gaudenean dena irizten zaigu ospel,
Adoretsu gaudenean, atzera, papurtu egiten da mundua.
Denok gordetzen dugu betiko besteren alde ezkutu bat,
Dela sekretua, dela akatsa, dela keinua.
Erdu eta larrutuko ditugu irabazleak,
Zubitik jauzi egin geure buruaz barre.
Isilik begiratuko diegu portuko garabiei,
Elkarrekin isilik egotea baita
adiskidetasunaren frogarik behinena.
Erdu nirekin, herriz aldatu nahi dut,
Nire gorputz hau albo batera utzi
Eta maskor batean zurekin sartu,
Gure txikitasunarekin, mangolinoak bezala.
Erdu, zure zain nago,
Duela urtebete etendako istorioa jarraituko dugu,
Ibai ondoko urki zuriek uztai bat gehiago ez balute bezala.

© Kirmen Uribe
من: Bitartean Heldu eskutik
Zarautz: Susa, 2001
الإنتاج المسموع: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


“Let me look at those eyes.
                     I want to know how you are.”

                     Rainer W. Fassbinder

Look. May has come in.
It’s strewn those blue eyes all over the harbor.
Come, I haven’t had word of you in ages.
You’re constantly terrified,
Like the kittens we drowned when we were little.
Come and we’ll talk over all of the old same things,
The value of being pleasant,
The need to adjust to the doubts,
How to fill the holes we’ve got inside us.
Come, feel the morning reaching your face,
Whenever we’re saddened everything looks dark,
When we’re heartened, again, the world crumbles.
Every one of us keeps forever someone else’s hidden side,
If it’s a secret, if a mistake, if a gesture.
Come and we’ll flay the winners,
Laughing at our self leapt off of the bridgeway.
We’ll watch the cranes at work in the port in silence,
The gift for being together in silence being
The principal proof of friendship.
Come with me, I want to change nations,
Change towns. Leave this body aside
And go into a shell with you,
With our smallness, like sea snails.
Come, I’m waiting for you,
We’ll continue the story that ended a year ago,
As if inside the white birches next to the river
Not a single additional ring had grown.

Translated from the Basque by Elizabeth Macklin